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help ac problem

crispy cream

November 17, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Laredo Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 mercury mountaineer
hey peeps im having a problem with my ac every time i step on the gas 3/4 or 1/2 throttle it turns of its getting very annoying and hot need help on how to fix it

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Does the a/c turn off or just stops blowing from the Dash vents ? If it just stops blowing from the dash vents & starts blowing out the defrost vent ,The check valve in the Vacuum Reservoir is probably bad. The Reservoir is located in the r/s fender well & the check valve is built in so if it's bad you replace the whole thing.

Does the a/c turn off or just stops blowing from the Dash vents ? If it just stops blowing from the dash vents & starts blowing out the defrost vent ,The check valve in the Vacuum Reservoir is probably bad. The Reservoir is located in the r/s fender well & the check valve is built in so if it's bad you replace the whole thing.

ok im lost but can u be more specific or does all this come out in the manual oh and its stops blowing air completely no dash or vents but once i let go of the gas it starts blowing again i can go slow on the gas but its very annoying going slow thanks for the comment

Ok. If it is a vacuum problem the system is made to default to the defrost mode to keep the windshield clear. if you are losing all blowing in the cab, meaning nothing out of any vents then you probably have a fan or electrical problem. Something might be moving around when you hit the gas. I would turn on the key & blower but don't start the engine. then start moving wires around the fan motor & blower controls to see if you can get it to cut off. Who knows the fan could be wore out & cutting off. I've seen stranger things happen
