HELP! I need pictures of upper intake! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! I need pictures of upper intake!


Explorer Addict
October 17, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Gilbert, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 XLT V8
Hey guys.. can anyone take pictures of thier upper intake vaccum hoses for me? The ones that connect to the back... Im doing a head swap and I found as I was putting it back together... the labels have worn off. !!! HELP! :)


Check out the thread "Compression Ratio???" for the full story!

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I know that you have already spent more money than you wanted, but a subscription to could save you a few headaches. It's $20 bucks for a subscription per vehicle. It's like an online repair manual. I have a subscription and it has saved my bacon a few times. It has some pretty good diagrams that could help you with your vacuum hose issue. How do you get your pictures into your posts. I could see if I could get the diagrams off the site and either post them here or email them to you. Keep in mind that I have the `96 OHV engine so they may be different. Just thought I'd offer.

If you could that would be great!!! I might check th site out... is it any more detailed than chiltons? Hmmm... here is how to post... or you can email me at

ingnore the periods...

.[.img..]..the location of the file..[../im.g.]

Did u try looking at the vacume sticker on the front of the engine bay? It should describe where each line goes. It is on the metal between the radiator and the grill. I hope this helps I'm waiting to see what happens when u start her up. :)


Heh... smoke! As I described in my compression ratio thread. heh. I dont wanna take it in to ford!! nooo!!! Im tellin ya though. Im missing bolts (just the non important ones.. sorta) and have hoses just hangin around with nowhere to go. heh.

