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Help me choose a system

alot of good info, though for those trying to make a decision it rough. I have recently decided to try to down size my 4 12"s to something that makes me happy. I am pricing the box now to see if a JL 13.5w7 is what I am looking for, I want clean bass but need my trunk back! anyone running 12w7s?

You can get clean bass from other than JL. JL is way overpriced.

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You can get clean bass from other than JL. JL is way overpriced.

You can, and I won't challenge the idea that JL isn't the BEST. though, they do pair their equipment to work well, and if I can get the same SQ from one 13w7 that I get from my 4 12"s I would be happy as I would have my trunk back.

If you want a 1500 watt SQ sub, I'd recommend the Fi Q, Sundown Z series, or DD 9100 series.

you think you can fit two 18's in an explorer? my buddy has a tahoe with two 18's in it and there isnt an inch of room to spare in the back, plus the box sits almost to the ceiling. and the back of the tahoe is bigger than an explorer

Yes, I'm going to use every inch I have, and the top of the box will be at the top of the headrests. The difference is I'm using aeroports, and they save a ton of space. About 4 cubic feet in my application.
