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November 13, 2004
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City, State
North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 base model
I have a 2003 Explorer (Base Model) and I want to get an awesome audio system (new speakers, subs, etc.) but I don't know much about car audio. I'm going to take it to a professional but wanted to get suggestions before I went. Any suggestions for what kind of speakers, amp, etc.? Thanks.

-Dianna :)

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hmmm id say go with (for speakers) either Infinity, or MB Quarts.(maybe 6.5 components?, i heard 5x7's dont give off good mid bass)

for subs, i would recomend Resonant Engineering (most shops wont have it or know what it is), Adire Audio (most shops wont have it or know what it is), Rockford Fosgate (not sure what model specificly), Kicker (solobaric specificly).

for amps, Hifonics BX1500D.... theres other good ones, but this is really good for its price

for a deck, either alpine, clarion, pioneer.

well when you go to an audio shop, stick to your guns. Dont let em talk you into anything without listening to it, and ask to take a look at some installs theyve done, a good audio shop will have maybe a binder with pics of installs in it.

There are far too many brands to plant an opinion on in a single thread, definitely try out anything you might be looking into, maybe some of the shop workers have the stuff in their vehicles, ask them to demo it etc. Let your ears, and your wallet decide for you, not the salesman... that aside, most audio shops I've dealt with are good guys....

What ever you do, do NOT tell them that you don't know that much about car audio! I have found, in the big, nation wide stores, they will push anything they can at you, just to get it out the door. You need to do some homework, or you could easily get screwed. Believe me, I have been there.

It's usually pretty obvious when you are trying to make a sale to someone who doesn't know a lot about what they are buying. The "best" stereo setup all depends on what you listen to, and how much cash you are looking to spend.
