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great white

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February 17, 2007
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paoli ind.
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1994 xlt.
hey i have a question ive had many audio systems but always sealed boxes never ported does porting help spl or quality and when someone says tuning the box is that done by porting it what is the best hrz for spl on 10 inch subs and what should the cubic feet of the box be for 10's if i ported it for spl

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Many threads here regarding building boxes for SPL or SQ. Best to do a SEARCH to find out exactly what you want / need


Sealed - deeper and crisper bass, more precise and flatter response, more solid thump but needs more amp power

Ported - more forceful bass, louder, needs to be tuned, gives more output than a sealed box for a given amplifier wattage, requires much bigger box

As for the best Hz it depends on what you want to achieve.
Planning on competing or just enjoying your music on a daily driver?

Cu Ft or volume of box depends on the speaker you use. Get the specs of the speaker first before making the box.

It all depends on what will suit your needs and the type of music you listen to. For me, I prefer an average sized ported box with two ten's


thanks alot i did some more searching last night and learned some more the main reasone i was asking is back when i did some comp. i was with dr. crankenstein in my area he was considered loud he was running 6 15's in a wall & 3 us 1500's and was hitting 151 outlaw then last week i went to carl caspers bass comp. there were people hitting 150's with 3 12's but they were ported and crankenstein wasnt so it made me wander if porting made that big of a difference

ports are much louder, the biggest prob being, tunning the box to the subs, need the manufacturers spec on the sub then the math begins.

hey another question did anyone go to carl caspers car show last weekend some awesome cars there and bass and hydros.
