HELP! SOS! XPLODER WON'T START! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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May 27, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport 2Dr 4WD
I have a 98' X Sport w/ V6 SOHC and just last nite it wouldn't start. I know it's not the starter or battery because I charged the battery and tried again and it still wouldn't start and I can hear the starter working fine but it just won't turn over. I have over 1/2 a tank of gass in it so it can't be low fuel either. It seems as if the engine isn't getting enough fuel to start so I stepped on the gas while starting, and it still doesn't work. I let it sit out overnite thinking that it might be flooded but it still wouldn't start this morning. I'm guessing that it might be a REALLY dirty MAF, clogged injectors, or bad fuel pump. Please gimme your oppinions and help on this situtation. Thanks

P.S. - Yesterday I turned on and off my car a lot of times when I was driving to various stores in my area. Could all of the starts have damaged something?

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The first thing to possibly check is to make sure that the fuel reset hasn't been tripped somehow.

How do I check that?

Technically, it is the "Fuel Inertia Cut Off Switch". It is supposed to cut off the fuel in case of an accident. On my '95, it is on the firewall, just to the right of the tranny hump. Your location may be a little different. The Owner's Manual should tell you exactly where.


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Give some thought to O2 sensors. I had a similar problem with my sohc and it turned out to be ann O2 sensor.

Take a look at the thread about it at Dead Link Removed

ood luck

Give some thought to the sending unit in the gas tank, its probably shot, we had the same problem cept 2000miles from home. Cept it had enough to start it for a few seconds.

Originally posted by Brandons
Give some thought to the sending unit in the gas tank, its probably shot, we had the same problem cept 2000miles from home. Cept it had enough to start it for a few seconds.
Do you mean sending unit or fuel pump? The sending unit only runs the gauge.

Well i checked the Fuel Shut-off and it was fine, I checked the Fuel Pump relay, which in my manual said was a 20a mini fuse in the distro box, and that was fine. What could be causing this problem? How do I check the O2 sensors and Fuel Pressure? I'm starting to get frustrated....


Can you hear the fuel pump when you turn the truck on? Turn the truck to ACC and listen if you can hear a short humming noise. If you can't your fuel pump the problem. It could also be a voltage regulator or maybe a starter solenoid.

do NOT turn it to ACC as that only turns on accessories :rolleyes:
he meant to say turn it to the "run" position, but not the "start" position. Do not attempt to crank the engine, turn the key just enough to get the gauges to come on.
If you have to, either get somebody else to do that, or get somebody else to listen around the gas tank.
When turned to the "run" position, the fuel pump should turn on for about 2-5 seconds I believe it is.
And I do not think the fuel relay will be in the fuse box (although I'm not positive, as I'm too used to my '86 2.9)

Originally posted by gavin
do NOT turn it to ACC as that only turns on accessories :rolleyes:
he meant to say turn it to the "run" position, but not the "start" position. Do not attempt to crank the engine, turn the key just enough to get the gauges to come on.
If you have to, either get somebody else to do that, or get somebody else to listen around the gas tank.
When turned to the "run" position, the fuel pump should turn on for about 2-5 seconds I believe it is.
And I do not think the fuel relay will be in the fuse box (although I'm not positive, as I'm too used to my '86 2.9)
Yeah turn it to run not ACC not makes more sense.

Crank Position Sensor? Mine went through 3 of them before my dealer figured out that Ford had left the dust seal off of the plug and every 25-30k miles, it was failing... :rolleyes:

Same symptoms, good battery, good fuel, spark, etc. Dang sensor left me stranded 50 miles from home twice (gotta love towing insurance for $4 a year!).



Are you sure its the starter you hear and not the solenoid?

Ok It still won't start and so far I've checked all the fuses to the car and they're all ok, the Fuel Shut Off is ok, but when I turn my car to the "on" position I don't hear the fuel pump, so I'm guessing its and electrical problem to the pump, or the pump itself. Before I take it to a mechanic and possibly spend $500+, I wanna know if it is a $8 relay fix that I could do on my own, or sumthin else thats cheaper. So my question is how do I check the relay to see if it's working? Is there a way to bypass the relay? If I replace the Fuel Pump Relay do I need dot replace any other ones while I'm at it? If it's not the relay. what other possible things could be wrong except the pump? Because I know if I take it to the mechanic he'll replace the fuel pump in a heartbeat.

Thanx For Your Help!

Just try swapping the FP relay with one of the others. I think you'll find in the black box that'll fit... Can also try testing the FP wires to see if it's getting juice w/a voltmeter

the easiest way to test a relay, is just like TPLYNCH said. Either replace it with a known good one, or just buy a new one.

Or, you can also test the fuel pump to see if it's getting juice.
I'm not sure how it's wired on the Sploders, but you need somebody to turn the key while you got the voltmeter on the wires to the fuel pump.
That will also help you determine wether it's the pump or an electrical problem.
