HELP! Westin Bull Bar On Mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! Westin Bull Bar On Mountaineer


Active Member
March 1, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Duluth, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mountaineer
Will a Westin Bull Bar work for the Mountaineers? I know you have to cut a little of the bumper. Has anyone done it yet. Post pics if you have.

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they should make one specifically for the mounty. you may have to cut the wind deflector under neath the bumper

yes, Westin Bull bar will work for the Mountaineer.

I have a 2002 mountaineer in all black, got a westin black bull bar for it. You have to get one for the Explorer as Westin does mot have the Mountaineer as listed as having a bull bar for it, but Mountaineers obviously have the same frame as the Explorers so they do work.

I have to cut 2 holes in the lower bumper right in front of the frame to mount to bar into place, that was the biggest pain in the butt cause it takes a lot of patients cause if u mess up the cuts, you gotta buy a hole new bumper to replace it, so take ur time cutting the holes.

I've had it now on for over a year and still get compliments on it as u don't see any mountaineers with a bull bar on, it stands out very nice from the rest! I also got KC drivings lights that go onto it, very bright.

I can't post pics of it since I don't wanna pay 20 bucks to post pics on here. if u want pics, let me know, I'll e-mail them to u

Not cool or are you just kidding

yes, Westin Bull bar will work for the Mountaineer.

I have a 2002 mountaineer in all black, got a westin black bull bar for it. You have to get one for the Explorer as Westin does mot have the Mountaineer as listed as having a bull bar for it, but Mountaineers obviously have the same frame as the Explorers so they do work.

I have to cut 2 holes in the lower bumper right in front of the frame to mount to bar into place, that was the biggest pain in the butt cause it takes a lot of patients cause if u mess up the cuts, you gotta buy a hole new bumper to replace it, so take ur time cutting the holes.

I've had it now on for over a year and still get compliments on it as u don't see any mountaineers with a bull bar on, it stands out very nice from the rest! I also got KC drivings lights that go onto it, very bright.

I can't post pics of it since I don't wanna pay 20 bucks to post pics on here. if u want pics, let me know, I'll e-mail them to u

Now why would you say that ($20 bucks to post pics)? You're joking, right?

You don't think this is a great site? It's worth $20.00 to be able to hang out here...

Now why would you say that ($20 bucks to post pics)? You're joking, right?

You don't think this is a great site? It's worth $20.00 to be able to hang out here...

naa... I'm members have other Ford fourms that are free to do anything, and post anything you want for FREE. this is the frist fourm ever I have seen that u gotta pay for it, no way.

I'll help people out on here with problems, but not paying for somethign that should be free to begin with.

Agree to disagree...

naa... I'm members have other Ford fourms that are free to do anything, and post anything you want for FREE. this is the frist fourm ever I have seen that u gotta pay for it, no way.

I'll help people out on here with problems, but not paying for somethign that should be free to begin with.

Well, at least you're honest about it, but the only thing free in life is government cheese. We will disagree about what should be free.

The Bull bar is worth altering the bumper or lower valance area... I have one, and it does look factory installed. You can't even see where the cutting took place.

Sorry, I believe also you can post pics w/o paying... there are others that have done so.

It would look great on your vehicle!

Will a Westin Bull Bar work for the Mountaineers? I know you have to cut a little of the bumper. Has anyone done it yet. Post pics if you have.

Will you be changing out the grille? You might have to relocate the lic plate if you keep the guard at the bottom of the Bull bar...

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It said login required... I'll try again.
