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HELP with KKM install


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January 2, 2004
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I just got my kkm today and attempting to put it in. I read the thred on it but dont get it what is the heat riser assemble any help would be greatly appreacited
thanks mitch

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Ok. I will just tell you how to install the KKM. remove the air intake tube from the throttle body, and from the Mass air flow sensor housing. Then remove the stock airbox. Unbolt the Mass from the airbox, and bolt the new adapter plate to the Mass. Put the filter on and put it back in the truck. Put the Intake tube back in. Then, you will have 2 hoses that you disconnected from the stock airbox. Follow them back to where the hoses begin. One of the hoses goes to the vacume tree on the right side of the upper intake. This hose must be plugged with something or you will have a vacume leak. The other hose runs down underneath the battery to another part of the intake, This hose can be left alone or removed. All I did to plug the hose was stick a golf tee in the end of the hose, and wrap some electrical tape around it so it was sealed and wouldnt come out.

The info from audiodude332001 is on the money.. Just to clarify things a little more: the vacuum hoses that you remove are no longer needed and rendered useless when using an open cone filter. These vacuum lines attach to a bimetal sensor in the stock air box and will open/close a vane in the lower intake near the bumper. The sole purpose of this system is to warm the car up a few minutes faster in cold weather.

thanks for the help i really appreciate it but what is the heat riser assemble? is it that tube that comes off the air box on the right hand side? I didn't want to remove it because i saw a hose coming off of it to the engine or something should i remove it (heat riser) any way. thanks again for the help.

The heat riser assembly is a tube that connects behind the bumper and enters the stock air box from the bottom (it is hard to see, but follow the vacuum hose off the air box and it will lead to the heat riser). The Intake tube to the right of the air box contains the MAF (Mass Air flow sensor) and a small rubber hose for the crankase breather.. Everything to the right of the air box remains in place and the KKM bolts right up to it.

thanks for the answers
