HELP!! Won't Start!! Fast clicking sound | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP!! Won't Start!! Fast clicking sound


January 31, 2001
Reaction score
I went to start my explorer after work, and it wouldn't start, it would make a fast click, click, click, sound. Like the starter motor wasn't engaging. So, I thought I better get another starter, no big deal. I got a salvage starter and put it in, and..... Same thing. I had my old starter and the salvage starter check at "Big A" autoparts and they said they both don't work, don't engage, just click. So I brought back the salvage starter for another one, and they gave me one they said they had in a vehicle and it started no problem.
Needless to say, same thing happened. I cleaned the battery terminals, what else do I do??????

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I'd take the starters to another store just to verify the problem is with the starters, you may just have a bad selonoid on your old one. Also, check your ground cable and make sure to connection to the frame is clean...pull it off and clean it with a wire brush if needed.

Dumb question, but did you check to see if your battery is ok??? If so, and the starter checks out, I'd suspect a bad battery cable. There is some history of them in the Explorer.

Ive had that happen with just a bad battery. Have you tried jumping it yet?

This has happened to me several times over the years with many vehicles. It's most likely your charging system as discussed above. Make sure your battery is good. Especially if it's cold out. Batteries are not as efficient in colder temps and can lose a lot of power. The fast clicking you hear is your solonoid kicking in and out due to lack of power. Check your terminals for corrosion (dump a coke on them if corroded - not kidding, will eat the corrosion right off) Then clean them off with H2O. If your battery is not maintenance free, check the electrolyte level in them. You can add clean water, but it's a short term fix and the battery should probably be replaced. If battery is ok, check the ground strap as indicated, and then follow the wires. Also, ensure that your charging system is working properly. Autozone etc. will usually test it for free for you.

Good Luck,

Mine has done that before...all it was was a bad abttery.

I personally would suspect the battery like what was mentioned above, usually the starter either gets weak and makes a clunk, or won't engage and just free spin.

Pull the battery and take it to the parts store to do a test on it.

Maybe your solenoid on the fender is dead too.

It's either the battery or the cables. If you haven't replaced the cables, I'd do it. They rot on the inside and do not conduct properly. Start cheap!

its probably your battery. That happened to me when my battery was almost completely zapped. Replace yer battery.

My old car did the same thing (fast clicking) a few weeks after i got a new battery. It turned out the alternator was shot. If youre battery is still in good condition I would suggest checking the alternator and other parts of the charging system.
