Here is a question for ya! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Here is a question for ya!


December 19, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer Sport
My wife drive an 01 Ford Explorer Sport. It didnt come with the side steps when she bought it. She wants to put them on her truck I was looking though ebay and found these. My question is do you believe these would work? From what I understand the explorer sport was built off a Ranger frame. Does that sounds right. Please correct me if im wrong.

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The frames aren't the same. It's very doubtful that those would bolt on without modifications. You might want to try one of our used parts vendors in the For Sale forum. They could probably hook you up with factory units.

Alright Rick i appreciate the info ill see if blueka has a set laying around

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The frames aren't the same. It's very doubtful that those would bolt on without modifications. You might want to try one of our used parts vendors in the For Sale forum. They could probably hook you up with factory units.

Anything will fit with enough sheet metal, welding, beer, and swearing :D

I know your pain finding steps for the 2 door sport seams impossible ebay always gives sport trac bars.
