Hey guys I'm back! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hey guys I'm back!


Well-Known Member
September 14, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Lemoore CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Navajo X 2
So it's been roughly 2 and a half years, and 2 and a half deployments. I renewed my elite explorer membership and I am happy to get back on the saddle.

Before my January 2017 deployment my Navajo gave me a surprise while driving her home for the last time before I left. She ran super rough like only half my cylinders were firing. Very sluggish.

I parked her and there she sat. For two and a half years. When I was "home" it was only for several weeks before the next detachment, so in total I was only home for about 6 broken up months since January 2017.

I have no idea what to do about the Navajo. But I'm home for a while now and I plan on figuring it out and getting her back on the road.

I'm looking forward to being back. This is just an "I'm back" thread. Will start a fixing the Navajo thread in the appropriate forum.


Glad to hear you are back home safe.

Thank You for your Service Sir!
