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New Member
January 1, 2007
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City, State
South East Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 X XLT 95 Ranger
My names Rick and I have an 02 explorer that I bought used . I also own a 95 ranger that I bought new . Just signed up and wanted to say hello before I begin picking your brains ........... :p: No problems yet , the 02 runs great , knock on wood . Bought a haynes manual , hopefully I'll get many years of service out of this one ... Been reading about the tranny , no dipstick ? , this is a first for me . Haynes says you screw in a fitting to add and check fluid level . Happened to be at dealer parts counter , tried getting fitting , of course it's not available . Anyone know what size the threads are ??? .............. Again , just wanted to say high , there will be plenty of time to check the fluid level .... They sure do know how to make things difficult though , don't they ! Of course the dealer parts guy was quick to try and sell me a trans flush ........ OOOOOOOOHHHHHH how I hate dealers .... I'm an old do it yourselfer .. Been working on all my own motors whether it be motorcycle , truck , car , minnie bike , you name it , for as long as I could turn a wrench .......

Welcome to the site and Happy New Year.

That's the first I've heard about that type of tranny level check, but things change pretty quick these days;)

Check our Transmission Forum for info. If you can find what you need start a thread in that forum where the right folks will see it.
