HID projector help... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HID projector help...


Active Member
November 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
DeKalb, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 XLT
I just put 55w 6000k HID's on my 04 xlt(didnt ask for 55w but thats what i got when i ordered them) and i notice that everyother car is flashing thier lights at me. love how bright they are and want to keep them but i want to get projectors but ivee looked everywhere! if anyone is gonna know where to get some i know this is where to ask.
thanx for your time.

no set currently exists. aim your lights lower my friend. or pay someone with a vacume table to custom make you a set, or do a retrofit. in either case your looking at 600+ bucks.

no set currently exists. aim your lights lower my friend. or pay someone with a vacume table to custom make you a set, or do a retrofit. in either case your looking at 600+ bucks.

i seen a video on that and would actually look into it! it looked like a lot of work to make the projector work with the vacuum. how do i aim the lights down? is it the white hex looking knob on the top of the light?
