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hitch AND body lift

Xzibit A

Well-Known Member
November 22, 2004
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02 xlt 4.6
who here has a hitch and a body lift on a 2nd gen, mostly in the rear i fabbed up the front one tonight in about 2 hrs, its not pretty, trying to weld while your hands are frozen cause its 27 deg and windy and your laying on your back in a gravel driveway is not easy.i just want to see what you uys have done maybe ill figure out an easy way to do the rear.

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I have a '96 with 2" body lift and a Class III Hidden Hitch. Now that I've modified the bumper brackets to raise the bumper 2 inches, the hitch is 2 inches too low (and looks stupid). I'd like to fab a rear bumper that incorporates a hitch as well as a tire carrier. I could fabricate new mounts for the hitch (that would raise it two inches) but would prefer an "all-in-one" bumper. So, I'm still looking and gathering ideas/information on how to solve the issue.


thats the same problem i have

it shouldnt be too hard. I have a hitch and WILL be somehow riasing it up with my 2" BL that is going on in the next few weeks. I will post pics and a writeup.


Well i just use the low riding hitch as protection for the shackles. When off road it hits everything, but the shackles dont... :D :D

So when someone comes up with a good ideal i will fix it.

im going to cut the hitch mounts off and reweld them up and brace them (essentially making a stronger hitch). Ill post pics when i finish.

Ill make sure to do a contained tow test too and make sure its sturdy. ;)
