Hola to all....Windows and dome lights not working, HELP needed. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hola to all....Windows and dome lights not working, HELP needed.


New Member
March 15, 2008
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City, State
Taylor, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
At present, I have an issue with my power windows and dome lights not working. I stupidly was sitting in my vehicle waiting for a tow truck through AAA for my daughters van when i decided to show her and my son how I was having an issue with my dome light. i began to twist the light overhead when all of the sudden there was a spark and the interior lights stopped working. When i went to close the driver window, which was 1/3 of the way down, i found that it nor any other window will go up. Hoping someone may have some insite as to what is the cause.

1. fuses are all fine
2. relays and fuses in the box under hood are working, as i have replaced them with known good one at a time.

ive read different things regarding possible relays in the door..(went to junk yard and found no relays in the door), etc.

Ive heard some talk about GEM module, but i dont know where it is located.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Hi chuckie- welcome from a ex-17 year Taylortucky resident... :D

If you do get to the point that you need to replace the GEM module, it is behind the radio on the driver's side of the hole when you remove the bezel.

Are you sure something else didn't get fried in the wiring? Seems odd that a fuse never blew if there were sparks. I'd check your wiring to the center console if that's where the sparks came from to see if something is broken or frayed. I'm not sure if the wiring for everything is in series or not, but I doubt it...

welcome chuckie

One thing I noticed while fixing my unlock button on the DS door, check the wiring drum that us located between door and the frame on the Driver side.

When I was looking for a broken wire I loosened the 10mm bolt on it to drop it down and noticed that the lowere it got the more functions I lost (door speeker, windows, locks, chime)


Could also be a fusible link. Have you checked the wiring diagram for the windows and dome light circuits?

2000 explorer all windows dome lights, vanity mirrors out

thanks all to your responses to my need. I did replace the gem yesterday with no change. i had already checked fuses as well as some relays located under the dash to the right of the steering column. regarding the sparking the sparking that seemed to cause the issue to begin with was the copper ribbon that each of the dome lights has for the screw in lightbulb breaking when i attempted to simply twist the bulb back in. i replaced this copper ribbon, the wiring that it goes into is fine also. some searching on line mentions possibly battery saver and/or accessory delay relays going bad, but if they are located other than the three places i have checked (under hood and under dash), if anyone knows where else these might be located I appreciate it. additionally another mentioned a relay in the driver door that could cause this, but again I see no relays located in the door. thanks for any additional help, everyone.
