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Hood Switch?


Well-Known Member
September 22, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Cary, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT, 4x4, 4.0 SOHC
I have a 02 Explorer XLT and a simple question, I hope. What does the switch do that activates when you open and close the hood? The switch is located on the left side of the engine compartment, right above the passenger side front wheel.

Thanks - Brad

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Oldwolf said:
I have a 02 Explorer XLT and a simple question, I hope. What does the switch do that activates when you open and close the hood? The switch is located on the left side of the engine compartment, right above the passenger side front wheel.

Thanks - Brad

That is for the alarm system.

I need a switch like that to connect to an under-hood LED light setup I'm working on, so that when I open the hood, the LEDs turn on and light up the engine compartment... This is the first vehicle I've owned without an under-hood light!

Jamo said:
I need a switch like that to connect to an under-hood LED light setup I'm working on, so that when I open the hood, the LEDs turn on and light up the engine compartment... This is the first vehicle I've owned without an under-hood light!
Yeah I found that odd also. I seriously didn't understand it. I've got a switch, I just need find a 12 VDC LED Light. That or I need to find an older Chevy pickup truck. They had a 12 VDC Light on a reel under the hood. If I recall correctly the light went all the way to the back tire. I may just go digging in the boneyard.

CaptainObvious said:
Yeah I found that odd also. I seriously didn't understand it. I've got a switch, I just need find a 12 VDC LED Light. That or I need to find an older Chevy pickup truck. They had a 12 VDC Light on a reel under the hood. If I recall correctly the light went all the way to the back tire. I may just go digging in the boneyard.

I've got a handful of super bright white LEDs left over from my puddle light swap, so I thought about designing a board that uses those. I could mount it anywhere under the hood, but then I'd need a switch (a lever or hinge switch would work just fine) and to hook it up to 12V.

I've had a problem finding a lever/hinge switch that's "NC" (normally closed) and opens the circuit when pressed (which would turn off the lights when the hood closes on it). Most are exactly the opposite - "NO" (normally open and closes the circuit -turning on the lights- when pressed by the hood closing on it). I think I found the one I need online, but I'm going to look under the hood a bit more this weekend and see what I can come up with.

No light under the hood is ODD. Did someone just FORGET? :confused:

Jamo said:
I've got a handful of super bright white LEDs left over from my puddle light swap, so I thought about designing a board that uses those. I could mount it anywhere under the hood, but then I'd need a switch (a lever or hinge switch would work just fine) and to hook it up to 12V.

I've had a problem finding a lever/hinge switch that's "NC" (normally closed) and opens the circuit when pressed (which would turn off the lights when the hood closes on it). Most are exactly the opposite - "NO" (normally open and closes the circuit -turning on the lights- when pressed by the hood closing on it). I think I found the one I need online, but I'm going to look under the hood a bit more this weekend and see what I can come up with.

No light under the hood is ODD. Did someone just FORGET? :confused:
I've got/can get the switch. Trade you a swith for a board?

Why would anyone need a light under the hood? You're only supposed to raise it when changing oil and most people do that during daytime. You know there's no chance of an Exploder breaking down.

CaptainObvious said:
I've got/can get the switch. Trade you a swith for a board?

Found the switch last night at digikey. It's a NC (normally closed) lever/hinge switch. I think it was $2.79. Now I have to design the board... It'll be a bit different than my puddle lamp board. :D

Keep ya posted!

grumpy said:
You know there's no chance of an Exploder breaking down.

At night. On the side of the road. In a blinding rainstorm.

Nope. No chance at all (at least it hasn't happened to ME. Yet...)

Robb said:
Why not work off of the stock mercury switch?

The only switch I have under the hood, as far as I know, is a SPST button switch used to trip the "alarm" when the hood is lifted while the alarm is armed.

Where is this mercury switch located?

Your '02 may be a little different, but this is pretty universal as far as Ford goes.

Pop your hood and look at the base that the hood bulb plugs into. There should be a little "box" that the bulb plugs into, and the wiring harness plugs into this same box. That box is a mercury switch..............or that is what I was taught they were called back in the day when they actually used mercury to make the circuit, I doubt modern switches actually have mercury in them. Think of that switch as an "orientation" switch, which is NO when the hood is closed (or sitting horizontal) and then closes when the hood is open (moves from horizontal).

Robb said:
Your '02 may be a little different, but this is pretty universal as far as Ford goes.

Pop your hood and look at the base that the hood bulb plugs into. There should be a little "box" that the bulb plugs into, and the wiring harness plugs into this same box. That box is a mercury switch............

Therein lies the problem. As was mentioned previously, our Explorers have *no* under-hood lamp, and therefore, no mercury switch or wiring harness. My '95 TBird has one, but not my '02 Explorer! :confused:

Car manufacturers still use mercury switches, and they can be bought at good 'ol JCWhitney:

http://www.jcwhitney.com/autoparts/...101/Ntk-AllTextSearchGroup?Ntt=mercury switch

The lamp used under the hood of my TBird is a 906:


I think I'm going to use LEDs (after I get the switch situation taken care of). They're brighter, whiter, and more "bulletproof" in design than incandescent bulbs.

Ah, I read your earlier statement incorrectly. I didn't see that you didn't have an existing light.

Wonder why Ford would do such a thing? Kinda silly.

Sorry bout that.

No problem, Robb. :)

On a related note, I've found out that it's not wise to walk into an Advance Auto Parts store and ask them "if they sell mercury switches?". They'll look at you like you're the unabomber. :confused:

After explaining to them what I wanted to do, they told me: 1) I was going about it the right way (my idea is sound), and 2) no, they don't sell mercury switches. :(

Guess I'll order that one from JCWhitney! :D
