How do I add 12v tap in left rear of 2000 Mounty? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I add 12v tap in left rear of 2000 Mounty?


Active Member
December 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mountaineer V8 2WD
Hello All!

I'm trying to add a 12v power tap (cigarette lighter socket) into the left rear area of my 2000 Mountaineer. When you remove the jack cover, there are a lot of wires and boxes in the wheelhouse, one of which SHOULD have a 12v hot wire.

Now, the problem is which one? It has to be one that comes from the battery without going through a device first.

I thought about the power lock switch, but it is a simple grounding switch AFTER the power goes through the lock/unlock circuits.




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Just to be safe, id run my own wires, I wouldnt want to tap into a wire back there, unless maybe its the keyless entry module hot wire. (I know the 1st gen modules were back there, not sure about 2nd gens, I havent looked.

can you just splice off of you cigg lighter thats already in there and just run wires from thoses wires to the back if that makes any sense?

Just to be safe, id run my own wires, I wouldnt want to tap into a wire back there.
The fuse of what you tap into might not handle what you plug into the outlet plus what ever it is already running. I would find an empty fuse slot or go straight to the battery with an in-line fuse by the battery.

I would run my own wires so you can put your own fuse in the line to be sure

The fuse of what you tap into might not handle what you plug into the outlet plus what ever it is already running. I would find an empty fuse slot or go straight to the battery with an in-line fuse by the battery.

It's going to be a very low load...1 amp at the most.

Is there some sort of accessory wire going back through there?

