How do I adjust the throttle on my '96 Sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How do I adjust the throttle on my '96 Sport?


May 15, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Katy/Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Sport
This problem is quite strange...

Whenever I have the pedal floored, it is only opening the butterfly in the throttle body maybe 2/3 of the way, so I am not able to go WOT.

It makes getting on the freeway here in Houston a bit scary sometimes, because it ususally won't downshift. It also upshifts way too early when I continuously floor it.

How do I (if I even can) adjust the length of the throttle cable so it will go completely WOT? :roll:

I seriously hope there is a way to do it without having to just replace the throttle cable. :(

Thanks for your help and feedback!!! :)

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You've either got bent linkage or a stretched cable. There is no adjustment. Make sure that your floor mats are not interfering with the pedal.

Check out the throttle cable mod thread in the Useful Threads section or run a search for throttle cable mod. Apparently they all stretch over time. I guess it would depend on how much slack you have. I used one of those circular fishing weights with the slit in them and crimped and soldered it right around the cable by the gas pedal. It took up a lot of slack and made my throttle response much better. Should improve things for you.

On a 96 there is a clip that comes out allowing you to take the slack out of the cable its right at the throttle body. This dosen't exist in later models, well at least my dads 99 SOHC Sport

The zip-tie mod worked liked a charm!!

I had to use three, though.
