How much do you pay to fill up now? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much do you pay to fill up now?



How much does it take all of you to fill up with gas?

Just recently I filled up, had about 30-40 miles left in her, maybe less.. it was about half way down the 1/4th mark.. and i filled all the way up with $31.00 I coulda squeezed in maybe a dollar or 2 more but i just capped her off. I was just curious if this is about right for everyone or lower or higher or what, depending on price actually (i just paid $2.02/g).

Let me know! I'm sure everyone else will be interested as well..



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costs me about 32.00 to fill when just above a 1/4 tank

I'm also about $32.00 per fill up. $1.99/gallon around here. I usually let it get down to about 1/8 of a tank before fill up.

cost me $52 dollars for 21 (regular)gallons!...Mountain bike time :mad:

It cost me $34 for 18 gallons at $1.89 a gallon here. Of course, when i went to visit family in Colorado, gas there was $2.03. I made it back here...barely.

we are running about 2.10 in casper WY i usually pay under $33 for a full tank ($28 when i got the truck)

$35.00 for premium fill-up

I am moving away from arizona! I'm still paying $2.22 per gallon, for regular! This blows! Does anyone want to fed-ex me gas? :D or would that cost too much? It takes me $40 dollars to fill up from almost empty.

$50 easy for 17 gal of 91 with the wonderful CA gas prices. And that $50 gets me 200 miles if I'm lucky. :(

( Yes I need a daily driver )

$38. $2.21 for mid-grade. Get about 275 miles out of that. :(

$65 to fill with premium. $0.87/liter here for reg. equals about $3.80/gal.

$3 gets me about 100 miles. Oh, wait, you meant the Explorer? $44.

To fill my 23 gallon BII with 87 is about $48


good thing she gets almost 350 miles per tank!

between $27-29 when full on empty on my yota....

between 36-42

$48 on regular (in NY). That was almost 21 gallons and takes me about 300 miles (since I have been topping off I get an extra 40 or so miles per tank). OPEC sucks.

My house gets better mileage than my X :rolleyes:

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$38 for about 18 gallons. We are at about 2.18/gal here in Mass. That gets me about 320 miles
