How much do you pay to fill up now? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much do you pay to fill up now?

100 aussie $s about US$76, it still is $1.18 per litre US90c or about $3.80 a gallon
the best part is the government takes about 58c per litre !!!!!!!

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$43 for premium ~17.5 gallons.

Premium is about 2.20. I usually pay $25 for 3/4 of a tank.

OZexplore said:
100 aussie $s about US$76, it still is $1.18 per litre US90c or about $3.80 a gallon
the best part is the government takes about 58c per litre !!!!!!!
Thats half of your money going to the gov't its $1.86 (US) a gal in taxes alone!!

I just a bought 98' explorer, immaculate with 112k kms. What can I expect from a tank full of gas (miles or kms).
Thanks, and I was told there is quite a problem with the timing belts blowing and causing a heap of problems, is this true?

About $42 on E at $2.17/gallon for regular.

cottager said:
I just a bought 98' explorer, immaculate with 112k kms. What can I expect from a tank full of gas (miles or kms).
Thanks, and I was told there is quite a problem with the timing belts blowing and causing a heap of problems, is this true?

Welcome fellow :ca: :) About $65 on E at 87.9 cents per litre


$39.00 on almost totally empty. thanks Bush.

You guys have still got it easy . It cost me $75 a tank for regular here and $85 for premium (Brisbane Australia ) and Sydney is about $7.50 a tank more.

i've noticed lately that after the pump kicks of I can get another 3-4 gallons in the x if i pump it slow now i can go about 80 miles before it moves off of full

I have been squeezing in about 3-5 more gallons in too. I will to that when I take off on a long road trip. Usually every weekend. Just keep an eye on it as gasoline has a tendancy to expand when it gets warm. It may make a mess or even worse a fire...

I noticed the slow pump thing too. I'm getting an additional 65 miles or so before the needle moves. Thank God....I was so sick of going to the gas station all the time. However it costs more to fill now of course. I've never had an automobile that was so bad with gas:

1) It uses too much of it.
2) It won't take enough of it.
3) It won't accuratly tell you how much it has left!

