How much leak is acceptable? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much leak is acceptable?

I've dropped one of my tires off to have a pinhole leak fixed twice now. It's a tiny leak that just barely foams with soap water. My expectation has been that it should completely stop leaking if/when they patch it (in theory they are taking the tire off and patching it from the inside; there's no sign of "plugs"). Before I take it back a third time armed with dish soap/water and explain that I expect these leaks to be completely, absolutely sealed up, I wanted to check and make sure my expectations are reasonable. Do they have some kind of "allowable" limit below which they don't worry about a pinhole? (Does this even make sense?)

in the real world a tire repair, means REPAIR<<< it should not leak , show them the leak tell them to do it right,,,,,

make them put it in the dunk tank. i know my father had that problem, and the guy couldn't find it until it was put under water. maybe the "repairer" can't find it because it's so small.

Zero leak is acceptable. Find another tire shop.

Thanks for the replies. I was expecting them to get those to seal, and it sounds like my expectation is reasonable. Time to put my "disgruntled but diplomatic customer" hat on and see what I can do.
