How much weight is too much?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much weight is too much??


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Little frustrated with this.. dead center between 2 spokes...


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That stinks and is ridiculous. I can't believe that it would need that much.

Can you make a stink about it?

A little work involved, but if it's on the driver's side [and more apt to be always noticed] would it be worth it to take it to a tire shop and have it swapped left to right?

Or the good ol' whip out the masking tape and some spray paint.

Unfortunately, none of these are things that makes it any less annoying - it's always going to be on your mind.

Sorry blwn - I feel for you...


Are those 21" tires directional or unidirectional?


Too bad we cant have lead wheel weights anymore, you would only need half that. Could try to rotate the tire 180 deg and see if it will balance better. Sometimes the wheel and the tire are both slightly out of balance and line up wrong. If you go to a tire shop see if they have black weights.

I thought about black paint. I'm going to ask my dealer when I bring it in for the cpillar replacement and see what they say. Every other wheel only has 3 or 4 on it.

Thinking maybe a road force balance would fix that.

That is one of the problems you can run into with into with the larger wheel tire combos now. A little bit of imbalance is a big effect to correct on the larger radius...but that is a LOT of weights. I would definitely see if the dealer could address it. It could be tire-wheel match as suggested as well. A really good tire guy would try to fix that and not just throw a bunch of weights on it. Good luck!

Have them try a different combo... I would not be happy with that. One of my wheels they had a long string like that AND STACKED them, I was like heck no as soon as I go in the snow or mud those weights are coming off.
Many times all they have to do is rotate the tire on the rim to get a better result.

I would look into a "road force" balance. They spin the tire (with no weights) and it shows where the tire should be in relation to the rim (using less weights)

I would look into a "road force" balance. They spin the tire (with no weights) and it shows where the tire should be in relation to the rim (using less weights)

Yup, I had mentioned that in my 2nd post. When my cpillar gets replaced I will ask them to do it and see what type of result we get.

I kind of wish they put Michelin tires on there. Have never had issues like that with their tires like I do with others. That is the most weight I have ever seen though!

Spoke to my favorite independent tire shop. The owners take on Road Force by Hunter is, it helps inexperienced tire guys do a better balance job, but its not a necessary tool for an experienced guy who knows what he is doing. I have the same aesthetics issue with silver weights lined up in the black wheel. Going to take it to my shop tomorrow morning and they will remount the tires to minimize the the weight needed and use black weights. Will send a photo and report back.

I've had a few sets of Pirelli P7 Cinturato's and really like them. This is my first set of Scorpion Zero's but so far I like them.

My tire shop was able to rebalance the wheels using less than half the weights as shipped, changed them out for black as well. Much better.



