How to clean you bezel. A detail breakdown as well | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to clean you bezel. A detail breakdown as well


Elite Explorer
June 1, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pearland, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2019 Explorer Limited
Alright, here is the back story. Back in July the wife ran into the back of a Ford Flex. This caused some body damage and something much worse. She was drinking cranberry juice this particular morning. Well, all of this juice left its receptical and ended up all over my radio, AC controls, and the rest of the my control bezel. Well, hind sight is 20/20. I should have cleaned this mess right there, but I didn't. Well, Copper Top sat in the 100+ degree North Texas days for a month and a half. When I finally got her back I found some things were sticky and not operational. Basically, the juice had gotten into the controls and made them hard to use. I decided to hit it with some rubbing alcohol. This got some of the controls to work. but they were still tight. So, this past weekend I decided to tear it down and get after it.

This first picture is after I tore into everything. There is another post on how to remove all of these things and I'll let you find that one if you need to figure it out.

As far as removing the plugs; I caution patients. There are a lot of ears that you have to either push in or pull out. As mentioned in another post be sure to unplug the air bag light at the top of the bezel.


This is what it looks like with all of the multi-buttons removed.


This is the back side with the AC switch still attached.


Here is what I am talking about. All kinds of stickyness. Oh by the way I used hot water and soap to clean the parts.


This is a picture of the AC module. If you look around the edge you will see little ears sticking up. You have to push the cover over these to get to the goodies.


Another AC module picture


These are the ears that need to be popped to get the AC vents out.


Here is the 4x4 module and the left hand side non-navigation blank insert.





Here it is all back together.


After cleaning the setup works much better.

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Nicely done and recorded. Good to see the innards of the center dash.

Certainly a good reminder about drinking and attempting to drive.

She wasn't drinking and driving. This was her morning juice. It was just in the cup holder for the trip to the office.

She wasn't drinking and driving. This was her morning juice. It was just in the cup holder for the trip to the office.

Good to know, otherwise the crash would have been even worse. (btw, drinking and driving doesn't always involve booze)

Sorry, if I jumped on the assumption. Generally when I hear that term it is normally associated with alcohol.

Sorry, if I jumped on the assumption. Generally when I hear that term it is normally associated with alcohol.

I understand (and when alchohol is involved it's really bad news).
