Hub assembly falling apart!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hub assembly falling apart!!!!!!!!


Explorer Addict
June 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 5.0L V8 AWD XLT
It has been going bad for awhile now, brought in a junk yard part to a shop... it was completely frozen.. they couldnt get it to budge... so I went and I'm getting another one... but it just got way worse... wheel is at a horrible angle.. I have to steer halfway to the right to keep the vehicle straight.. and there's sparks! What's the worst that could happen getting to the shop? [keep in mind, it's also winter here.. so the wheel can slide around a little bit, it's not as much load as on dry pavement... well.. makes sense to me.. ]

Logically... I'd think the cv axle would at least keep the wheel on the vehicle... but I don't know....

I need to get this to the shop, and can't afford to tow it. It's like.. idk.. a couple miles?..


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It has been going bad for awhile now, brought in a junk yard part to a shop... it was completely frozen.. they couldnt get it to budge... so I went and I'm getting another one... but it just got way worse... wheel is at a horrible angle.. I have to steer halfway to the right to keep the vehicle straight.. and there's sparks! What's the worst that could happen getting to the shop? [keep in mind, it's also winter here.. so the wheel can slide around a little bit, it's not as much load as on dry pavement... well.. makes sense to me.. ]

Logically... I'd think the cv axle would at least keep the wheel on the vehicle... but I don't know....

I need to get this to the shop, and can't afford to tow it. It's like.. idk.. a couple miles?..


Stop driving it.. Do not drive it.. I REPEAT do NOT Drive it.. The hub assembly has already failed and if you drive it it will seize to the knuckle causing more damage.. Just fork over the $180-200 for the part new and slap it on. I've seen them fail to the point that they will seize to the knuckle which in turn will cause catastropic failure.. my 97 had the same failure while driving. It caused more damage as a result.. it seized the bearing which caused the cv axle to snap, ball joints to fail, knuckle had to be replaced too...


start wrenchin in the snow. that sucks dude :(

Trust me you don't ever want a hub to come apart on you while you are driving. Very scary. I was lucky I was in the right hand lane already with no other traffic around. AND that there was not a house off the side of the road. Because my 35" tire went flying into the woods to the right. It could have done some real damage if there was a house or people or cars.



Don't drive it! Get it fixed first!

Yeap.... That's what it comes down to....... *sigh* I guess I need to go look for a breaker bar and the right sized socket...

This is going to be Cold...

I've been looking at both the cv axle and hub threads atm.. funny you chose both of those..

Thanks though..

Man.. this is gonna suck.. so lemme get this straight....... Pretty much all I need is a 1/2" breaker bar, and a 32mm socket???

Already have a 1/4" socket set and the smaller ones.. lol..

32mm socket(axle nut), some wrenches and smaller sockets (to remove the caliper, dust shield and bearing/hub), a breaker bar(axle nut is hard sometimes), jackstand(s).. and a rubber mallet or a gear puller to take the rotor off.

i will be doing mine this weekend so maybe someone who has done it can be of more help. the cv axle thread has pictures on how to remove the caliper. and the hub thread has the remaining pics

If you forget to loosen the axle nut before taking off the wheel/tire, then just stick a screwdriver in one of the slots in the rotor. And when you go to loosen the nut the screwdriver will be stopped at the caliper bracket keeping the hub from turning and allow you to loosen the nut.

That's something that I was curious about actually, which to do first... leaving the wheel on seems like the safest bet.. So I'll keep that in mind.

Seeing your truck with your 35's... and seeing how bad mine was getting with just my 31's.... I'm starting to wonder... how the hell do our parts put up with all the heavy aftermarket crap we use?... lol...

get 'er done?

... I don't have the part yet............ *sigh* It's getting colder too... this is really gonna blow.................... I'll give someone a case of beer to come over and do this... =P

Hey, Stone.. I have a question........... how exactly did the wheel come off anyways?.... did it tear the cv axle to shreds? That's the only way I can see it actually letting go of the wheel.........

The previous day, I had broken the CV axle. I was being stupid and going against my better judgment because a Ford certified tech(that worked at a stealership) at the run assured me I was wrong about the hub would come apart without the outer part of the CV axle being in the hub with the nut tightened down.

So the probability of the wheel coming off on your truck like mine is small. But, I imagine if you let it go and the bearing shredded things would get scary. Maybe the wheel would seize up? I would expect it to get wobbly. But with the CV axle in place and axle nut tightened the wheel might not come off.

I was just trying to scare you with my pics. :D

But, I have heard on 1st gens if the wheel bearing goes before being fixed the wheel will come off. :D

Be the EF guinea pig and keep driving it and let us know what happens. :confused:

Well, be safe always. If I was in Alaska I would drop by. But, it's kind of far.

If I can find my pics I can show you what happens when a hub bearing fails to the point it seizes..

You did scare me... you scared the **** outta me.... even though.. logically it didn't make sense for my situation.. but I do understand the risks... Either way... the most driving I'll be doing on this will be from where the truck is now... 3 car length's forward into a garage... haha...

I don't wanna even imagine a single wheel lock-up on these roads... omg... It was hard enough to control it as it is now..

mine is wobbling now, seems like the wheel could fall off..

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Hey uhhhh storlied, honey, dear .. your hub is seizing. Just thought I'd let you know since you know, elephants radiate heat through their ears. Okay good luck.
