Husky 3rd row / 2nd console update | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Husky 3rd row / 2nd console update


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
Both 3rd row and 2nd console have now been produced. Husky is testing to for fit/finish and will be releasing shortly. The new 2nd row mat will be for both units (console and non console). They will not be making one for each so that means the 2nd console mat will be molded/cut for the console and the non console will use the same mold.

The 3rd row liner will have a trim for the console so again, it will be one mat made for both console and non console.

They are testing both mats on all configurations before the green light is given for sale. I posted the computer mold but here is the actual 3rd row mat.

I will post another update hopefully by the end of the week.


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So the mat pictured above will go in the third row and if you don't have a console then it would be just as pictured. If you do have a console then that mat would need to be trimmed by the customer?

The second row mat will also need to be trimmed by the customer if they have a console?

The mat pictured above looks like it will go under the second row seats to protect the carpet when the seats are folded forward when people get into the third row.

The 2nd row matt is made for a console so no trimming.

The 3rd row will need to be trimmed. My interpretation is that there will be a line/imprint on the mat that you cut for the console so there is no guessing for an exact fit.

So it sounds like the new 2nd row and the 3rd row are being designed to meet each other under the bench seat? What does that mean for people who have the current design 2nd row and plan on ordering the new 3rd row mat? Will they fit together nicely? I just ordered the 1st-2nd rows a couple days ago, and haven't received them yet - should I call to see if I can get the new 2nd row design instead? I may try calling tomorrow to see what they recommend.

Thanks for the info!

I wouldn't bother canceling.. it will meet up just fine. Have to remember you will be entering the 3rd row from either side which is the same with both mats. The console mat has a very minor trim around the console.

Hey Blwnsmoke........based on this new info what were you thinking as an ETA for week?

I ask because my carpets are getting destroyed by kids

Thanks for the info stilling waiting for our X.Hey any idea why they stopped making the "classic" diamond plates style? I think that was much better looking instead of the random lines and designs.

Good news! I'll definetely buy the 3rd row, since it's the only one missing, I have the 1st & 2nd row as well as behind & over the 3rd row.
Will they give you a special price for us buyers that only need the 3rd row, or does it have to be bought as a package to get the discount? thanks,

Hey Blwnsmoke........based on this new info what were you thinking as an ETA for week?

I ask because my carpets are getting destroyed by kids

I'd say pending fit/finish is good, I'm hoping for the end of this week or beginning of next for both. I'm going to get another update on Friday.

I don't want to come off as being a pain in the a$$ by sending emails constantly.

Good news! I'll definetely buy the 3rd row, since it's the only one missing, I have the 1st & 2nd row as well as behind & over the 3rd row.
Will they give you a special price for us buyers that only need the 3rd row, or does it have to be bought as a package to get the discount? thanks,

Not sure on pricing of the 3rd row yet. You will not need to buy the whole set to get the special pricing. Because they have had so many orders, one can buy pieces or all at the discount.

@blwnsmoke...I think there are at least a couple of anchors for the 2nd row seats that will need to be "cut out" of the mat pictured above, to the left and right of the cap in the very middle. Over on the Facebook page someone snapped a shot of the Weathertech 3rd row footliner in with the second row flipped forward, it is pretty clear. I assume Husky will take care of that in the "fit and finish" stage of production, just wanted to mention it.

Here's the pic:!/photo.php?fbid=1706335231973&set=o.381809751600&type=1&theater

@blwnsmoke...I think there are at least a couple of anchors for the 2nd row seats that will need to be "cut out" of the mat pictured above, to the left and right of the cap in the very middle. Over on the Facebook page someone snapped a shot of the Weathertech 3rd row footliner in with the second row flipped forward, it is pretty clear. I assume Husky will take care of that in the "fit and finish" stage of production, just wanted to mention it.

Here's the pic:!/photo.php?fbid=1706335231973&set=o.381809751600&type=1&theater

It was posted in another thread I had about the 3rd row. The holes will be punched out when they ship, they have not punched the holes out yet because they were not sure how big they needed to be until the mat itself was completed.

I believe it was 4 holes, 2 for each seat.

@blwnsmoke...I think there are at least a couple of anchors for the 2nd row seats that will need to be "cut out" of the mat pictured above, to the left and right of the cap in the very middle. Over on the Facebook page someone snapped a shot of the Weathertech 3rd row footliner in with the second row flipped forward, it is pretty clear. I assume Husky will take care of that in the "fit and finish" stage of production, just wanted to mention it.

Here's the pic:!/photo.php?fbid=1706335231973&set=o.381809751600&type=1&theater

That Weather Tech looks nice! Looks like it will cover the carpet for people entering/exiting the vehicle when the seats are folded forward.

That is not whats pictured on their web site. Why wouldn't they just use the right photo?

Hey, is showing the 3rd row Husky liners available now, for $68.76...although the picture they are showing is actually for the second row liners.

Any word on whether we can order them now under our "group buy" arrangement direct from Andrea at Husky? They don't yet appear on the Husky website.

Same here, I want to get the 3rd row, but I'll wait and see if the group buy gives us a better price than the ~$68.00 currently shown in the above website.

Hey, is showing the 3rd row Husky liners available now, for $68.76...although the picture they are showing is actually for the second row liners.

Any word on whether we can order them now under our "group buy" arrangement direct from Andrea at Husky? They don't yet appear on the Husky website.

Another one who needs just the third row, any word on price from Husky directly?

Another one who needs just the third row, any word on price from Husky directly?

Not yet, I emailed Andrea today but I think I sent it too late for a response today. I will post on Monday once I hear back from her.

3rd row is still not ready yet but cost will be $54.48 with free shipping.

Autoaccessoriesgarage must be taking preorders despite what their website says.

3rd row is still not ready yet but cost will be $54.48 with free shipping.

Autoaccessoriesgarage must be taking preorders despite what their website says.

Nice. Seems time to order the whole set.

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3rd row is still not ready yet but cost will be $54.48 with free shipping.

Autoaccessoriesgarage must be taking preorders despite what their website says.

Can we place a pre-order with Andrea for the 3rd row or not yet?
