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Hybrid question

Jon M

Well-Known Member
January 12, 2017
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City, State
Mount Pleasant, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer XLT
When at "idle", whether stopped at a red light or, as I often tend to do in the summer, left running with the AC on fire the dogs, would the hybrid be on battery or gas if left for 15-30 minutes? Assuming the battery was fully charged? And is this bad for the battery?

I just found a dealer in Plymouth, MA that has a couple of new 2022 Limited Hybrids. I'm hoping they're ready to move them and they're will to ship, though I'll go get it if they're willing to make a deal. At least one has the 2nd row bench seat.

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My last car was a hybrid escape 2022. at the red light. The engine would shut off. air conditioner would continue to run, it’s electric. It would remain on battery power until the battery needed to be recharged. I never timed it to see how long it would run the AC with the engine off. But it’s far less than 15 minutes.

My last car was a hybrid escape 2022. at the red light. The engine would shut off. air conditioner would continue to run, it’s electric. It would remain on battery power until the battery needed to be recharged. I never timed it to see how long it would run the AC with the engine off. But it’s far less than 15 minutes.
But then it just starts the engine?

Yes, automatically. I’ve had two hybrid escapes 2 Lincoln MKZ hybrids. I really liked them. I would still be driving the 22 escape but it got ran into by a guy in an F350. You just drive it like you normally do any car. easy on the acceleration and it will stay in battery mode longer. Getting on the highway where you give it a lot more pedal. the electric motor and the gas motor work together you can feel the torque

My last car was a hybrid escape 2022. at the red light. The engine would shut off. air conditioner would continue to run, it’s electric. It would remain on battery power until the battery needed to be recharged. I never timed it to see how long it would run the AC with the engine off. But it’s far less than 15 minutes.
That's the way the non-hybrid vehicles with the Auto Stop/Start feature also work.


That's the way the non-hybrid vehicles with the Auto Stop/Start feature also work.

Not sure the above is accurate regarding the AC....while the Blower keeps running I beleve the compressor does not. To answer the question I believe 5 on battery then 1~2 engine runtime then on battery again when parked with ignition on. The battery protects itself from heat and will turn on the AC to cool itself. I just got home from a 80 mile each way trip down the tollway from NWI to Dekalb IL. I averaged 19 MPH and 40 electric miles I had my foot in it both ways between 80~90 at times. The response of the throttle is instant and will put your head againts the head rest, it uses both motors and the electric torque make it jump off the line. The normal auto stop start was a pain in the @ss in my opinion on my 2020. The Hybrid engine stops as you're braking and uses the DC drive motor to charge the battery and then when you push the gas battery gets you going and then engine starts. When driving on highway I've driven about a mile on battery @ 55~60 mph If I use cruise control.
