I am PISSED!!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I am PISSED!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
July 19, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Somewhere in Nebraska
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
I hate theives!
When I went to pick the Explorer up at the dealership I started it up..pulled out and parked it, went inside and got my Sony (POS!) cd player and I looked at my front and someone STOLE MY headlights, grille! I'm missing everything from the bumper to the hood..uncluding the turn signals! I was soooo pissed..Sooooo anyway..anyone have a wrecked explorer and want to sell those parts? I need theses parts BAD! On top of that! They also stole my wheel that was sitting beside it. It had a flat tire so they bought me a new goodyear wrangler and put it on there and put my full sized spare on there until they put it on. They locked up that night with the tire next to the building. He has never had anyone steal anything before until now. So now I'm out all that front stuff and a brand new tire and wheel! The town has 60 people in it and they're all old people so my guess is the nearest town has 1,000 people they wanted to come jack my stuff..UUuuurgh! That chaps my ass off! Anyway..I need some help getting theses parts.. Anyone with any?


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Sorry about my language..I'm just very very upset..

wait? it all got stolen while it was being worked on/at the dealership? Wouldnt the dealership be responsible for any damage to your vehicle while its in his care? And if it was done while u were away, shouldnt they tell uabout it? or maybe Im just misundersanding the story...

I dont understand either. Why isn't the dealership paying for the stolen parts???????

:eek: No kidding. They should be replacing everything if it was on there property when it happened!

The explorer was parked across the street because there was no more room for the explorer..He said he would give me cash when i find a wheel and he will put a new tire on there.. The explorer wasnt insured at the time because I didnt take ownership until after i noticed that stuff...UUuruugh..!

But that's not your fault for the lack of parking. The dealer has insureance and the truck was his responsibility! I would be working on the dealer trying to get him to pay!!!

I agree with Positive...and if the dealership doesn't want to pay up, then have an attorney write them a threatening letter. Usually that's all it takes...

Damn, sorry to hear about that, man. Yea, those thieves work fast. How long were you inside?

I work for a Dealership

Man that sucks, sorry to hear about the loss, I hate ignorant people who steal. At my work the dealer isnt responsible for any lost or stolen items. And has signs up that state it. We had a car shot 4 times (yeah, SHOT) along with having many things stolen out of it. We told the owner who was so enraged that, we were not responsible for the damages, but we would pay for most of it. I never have figured out why someone shot it 4 times but, never the less we helped pay for it.

those are some fast freaking thieves!!!

I'm not one to get sue happy on anybody. I'm just not that way. The car was off dealership property. I'm not going to persue ANY legal stuff on it..

Now whats REALLY important!!

Anyone have the stuff I need?

Josh, I am an insurance agent and insure many car dealerships. If your veh. was taken to the dealership for any work or just to be looked at they are responsible for anything that happens to it, no matter where it was parked. You dont have to talk about sueing them. Just tell them that your insurance co. said they were responsible and ask them where you should get the parts to fix it. This is a simple claim on their insurance, if they turn it in. Dont let them buffulo you, its not your fault and they know it or they wouldnt have offered to help with anything.
The coverage is for: Care, Custedy & Control , and they have to have it.
Stand up for your rights.

I agree with Bill. Sue Happy people suck, but it also isnt right to let them screw you just bc something bad happened. You shouldnt be expected to bend over and take it just bc it happened. Speak with the parts/service manager as Bill said and find out where to get your parts.
It baffles me how businesses like that stay in business when they tell ppl "oh you can just risk it... if your car is stolen, were sorry, but its not our problem". Id be saying "see ya!" and heading to a different dealer haha. Good luck with the outcome. And No, sorry I dont have any of the parts (go check the dealer)

Originally posted by SQExplorer
Sorry about my language..I'm just very very upset..

What's to be sorry about, your language wasn't bad. Hell, if that had been me, I would have used a lot stronger language than damn or ass.

Don't blame you one bit for being upset. Anyone would be.

I hope you find the stuff you need really quickly :)

dude i woudnt be putting up with "we are not responsible" crap. push it mate make them pay :australia

Originally posted by SQExplorer
The explorer wasnt insured at the time because I didnt take ownership until after i noticed that stuff...UUuruugh..!

How did you not notice the front end was missing before you took ownership?

The signs and disclaimers at dealerships are the dealers way of trying to keep things from getting stolen, so they dont have to pay for them. If you take your stuff with you it cant get stiolen, and they dont have to pay for it- but take Bills advice and call the dealer on the missing parts and get them to reimbuse you or repair it since it was in their care.

Good Luck

hey, he said his X wasnt insured at the time...so i guess he cannot go in that direction...

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The " Not responcible " disclaimer is for personal items not covered by a shops liability coverage.
CD's, portable radar detectors, books, stuff like that.
But all legit shops MUST carry liability insurnace for fire, theft and the like.

In your case SQ, you DO infact have a leg to stand on for being covered.
