I got Jacked Part 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I got Jacked Part 2


Well-Known Member
August 16, 2000
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Brooklyn, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 EB
Well, I guess either my luck has run out or 2002 is gonna be a bad year. My X was broken into yesterday and they stole my radio (along with messing up my bezel and buttons). It seems they decided to remove the entire passenger door cylinder to gain entry this time, so there is body damage too. Maybe thats a sign I shoudl leave Brooklyn...oh well...

Anyway, I'm considering the Pioneer P1R, Pioneer DEH-P9300, and Pioneer DEH-P930 as my new HU, anyone have any experience with this unit? I would like to use Pioneer because my Cd changer is Pioneer. Thanks In Advance...

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that really sucks. i havent used that headunit, but it seems pretty good. and you might as welll get it so it matches up with your changer.

i think you're going to have to find a new parking spot.

actually this time it happened near my job in a so-called "good neighborhood" during daylight hours. I think they were in and out quick and I think they were casing my car and watching me because my car was in the spot for less than 30 min. These werent amateurs, they must've had the proper toold. ya think? This was no smash and grab....

ouch - sorry dude, did you ever see the original robocop movie - they had a commercial for the cobra auto security system - "it's not just an alarm, it's your 50,000watt security blanket":D

lol...thats too funny, in this day and age, I'd get sued...

there was another one in a wayans bros. movie that was pretty good too:
the doors lock and a barry manilow tape starts playing "at the copa" full blast till the cops come:D

personally i'd rather be electrocuted:eek:

oh man, sean, that sucks! you ever consider insuring your audio stuff?

Fortunately, this was insured. Just got a nice check fropm Geico. =)

I am sorry that happened to you.

I hate a thief....

You don't have stickers on your explorer that say what exactly you have in it do you...LOL! Anyway, sorry to hear about your bad luck again.

do you have aftermarket tint on yours? might be a good idea. but hey it could be worse. a kid at my school got his '00 Xterra stolen and stripped clean. had a lift, grill guard, and about 6 or 7 KC's on it. and a bada** system. about 25K total!

that sucks they took your audio stuff:-(, i usually take my face plate off whenever i go someplace where i wont be around for long, and i try hiding it in a really odd location. otherwise my truck looks stock, except ya can see the hole in the dash. glad to know your insured :)

yup I have aftermarket tint, and HELL NO, i have no stickers! lol I might as well had left my door open if I was gonna put stickers.....thx for the condolences aldive...im still trying to decide on an HU....

I am completely pleased with my JVC-XD-sh99. Give it a look over....


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I love that unit, but I want a unit to work with my 12 disk pioneer changer....

Since this unit plays MP3s, I don't feel that I need a changer anymore.

Wish someone would buy my 99 cd/cassette/am-fm HU and the factory 6 disc changer; just sitting arround the garage.

Keep us posted on what you go with,,,,,

I love my JVC El Kamelion. Sideswipe... how do you get your stuff insured? How much extra does it cost?

Sideswipe, I think there's something that is more important than the HU right now. Go to the audio store, and buy the BIGGEST friggin alarm you can!

Originally posted by Hartman
Go to the audio store, and buy the BIGGEST friggin alarm you can!

Or, my friend, get a very hungry Pit Bull to reside in the back seat.

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Originally posted by Hartman
Sideswipe, I think there's something that is more important than the HU right now. Go to the audio store, and buy the BIGGEST friggin alarm you can!

Unfortunately my friend, alarms dont help much, cuz people ignore them. =(

Now the pit bull idea, I can dig that!
