I don't feel my 4WD engaging. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I don't feel my 4WD engaging.


New Member
November 14, 2009
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City, State
Martinsville, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 sport
I have a 96 Ford Explorer control trac 4 x 4.........when I put it in 4 wheel auto....and step on the gas it fishtails and dont feel the front engaging on gravel or snow..............is it working? Shouldn't the front tires engage when the back tires spin?:exp:

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It's likely the central axle disconnect on the front axle failing to lock in. Common problem on that model year. See my troubleshooting write-up in the stickies section above, follow the instructions, and check in with the results. :)


I don't feel my 4WD engaging

Ok we have went threw the process, the CAD is not engaging. We need to know how to trouble shoot the CAD.

It's likely the central axle disconnect on the front axle failing to lock in. Common problem on that model year. See my troubleshooting write-up in the stickies section above, follow the instructions, and check in with the results. :)


Call me a newbie....Joe, Where is "my troubleshooting write-up in the stickies section above..."

i have same problem and want to peek at the write up.

Ok we have went threw the process, the CAD is not engaging. We need to know how to trouble shoot the CAD.

Sorry I missed this... did you get the problem resolved yet?

Call me a newbie....Joe, Where is "my troubleshooting write-up in the stickies section above..."

i have same problem and want to peek at the write up.

When you click on the Transmissions, Transfer Cases, and Differentials section, the top 30 threads or so are stickied at the top of the first page. The one titled '2nd gen 4wd not working? A Troubleshooting How-To' is the one you want to read. :)

Thanks Joe for pointing me and schooling me on the stickies. I'm new to the forum world!
