I might buy a 7.3 Powerstroke Excursion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I might buy a 7.3 Powerstroke Excursion


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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
43°48′48″N 91°13′59″W
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4 do'
I've been looking at a few different trucks since I have a buyer for my Yukon if I want to sell it. Since most of my driving here in Arizona is now either just up the street to work or usually once or twice a week towing boats to the lake about 30-50 miles along with occasional "Serious Explorations" adventures where I have trailered the Explorer and camped in that, I think a diesel might be justified for the right price. I have found a pretty good deal on a 2000 Excursion on 35s and a 6" lift with a 7.3 in a different part of the country where they sell for about $6,000 less than they do here.

I know that these things are ridiculously big, but it is actually cheaper than an F250 that I have priced it against. And basically the same money as the gas guzzlin v-10s.

I'm probably going to buy it and can always dump it out here where everyone wants big trucks anyway. Limited with rear air will be nice for hauling groups of 9-10 to the lake too!

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AHHHHH, Nothing like the biggest most powerful SUV ever. Go for it man, would compliment the Explorer very nicely.

Check the forums here out...


It has been a good source of info for me about my F250. They may know of things to look out for etc.

Nice :D Just last week I got into a - it was not really a race. I just wanted to keep up with that F-250 Powerstroke. The F-250 was loaded with movers and other equipment, was pulling a trailer with more equippment and had prolly 35" tires. My 4 liter 6 cyl. Grand Cherokee was empty, no trailer. I got spanked. No freaking way I could keep up with that beast!!

Thats awesome, cant wait to see pics when you get it.

A guy that works at our local 4x4 shop has one with (I think) 37s on it. It is HUGE and he says he gets like 15 mpg on the high way and 13 around town with 3.73 gears.

I've got a pic!


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sweet....I'll try to get a pic of the one around town, that one is sweet but it does doninate that one
