i need help bad please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i need help bad please


March 29, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
98 explorer
i have a 95 ford explorer i had a shop scan it and they told me my ect sensor was bad so i changed it but now when driving it the temp will go up but not all the way to hot then it will drop down to normal then a min or so later it will go back up and down but not at idle try to put the old one back in and it did the same thing but never did it in till i changed the sensor i checked the fan good i checked the top hose it was hot i tryed the heat and i get heat and when warm at first start it will idle rough thats what it was doing before i changed the sensor but the temp thing started after

is it full of coolant, that might make the guage swing up and down like that , air in the system,,

Yep- and the OHV's seem to be very tempermental with temps when not relieved of all air in the system.

ok how do u get it out if it air in the system??????
