I think my tranny is goin out? ... a little help? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I think my tranny is goin out? ... a little help?


Active Member
December 28, 2004
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City, State
bullhead city, arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 ex sport
Whenever I'm shifting from 3rd - 4th, the tachometer revs up and then it gives a hard and jerky shift. When shifting between the other gears, it seems pretty smooth and normal, it only happens from 3-4. Does this sound like the tranny is goin out? Or is there something I can do to fix this? The fluid seems nice and pink...please let me know...any help is appreciated...thanks

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what exactly does these TSB's do? ... dont wanna pay $25 for nothin..

Mine did something similar. Check your vacume hose going to the modulator on the tranny. If there is fluid in it the modulator is going out and needs replacing. Mine was replaced and no more problems. You can also check the vacume tree for fluid, might be easier to get to.

Its a valve body leak/torn gasket. I just had the same problem. Quite a common problem and a simple fix- just replace the gasket.

A dealership will charge you $600 for this type of work. I don't have any tranny work under my belt, but I do have a friend who works at a dealership that got this done for $180 for me. There is a thread with pics on here, search for "rebuild valve body" or "valve body leak." If you are comfortable with it you can fix it yourself for a couple bucks in seals. However most tranny guys around here charge about $130/hr labor, and there is quite a bit of time involved in this job.

Good luck.

ok...well tranny place couldn't figure out what was wrong....because the problem comes and goes, sometimes it shifts fine, sometimes its early, sometimes its late...charged me $65 to scan it...so there goes a negative $65 already....they want to try replacing two "sensors" i think.....they are rubber pieces or something near the cat....they said it would cost $225 or so....and if that doesn't help then they will refund me my $65 for scanner...the cost for the 2 parts they want to put in....and overhaul the tranny....is it possible to check for a valve body leak or torn gasket without pulling the tranny? if so, i may just ask them to do that and pay them for it if you guys think that is what my problem is.....someone help me out lol...

also, they said another guy completely killed his tranny...and costed him $3100 out the door to fix...

they charge $40/hour

This is a fairly common problem among explorer owners. Its a shift flare between 3-4 that is the most problematic. Mine also did it 2-3 as well, and eventually through all gears.

I would ask them to check the gasket first. There is a thread w/ pics on here on how to do it yourself, if you're capable to. I wasn't, so I had a mechanic do it.
