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How to: IAC valve cleaning thread (w/pics)

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Didn't have the rough idle problem till I recently replaced the injectors. Now, after driving for awhile when I get to stop lights or in heavy freeway traffic the idle sometimes jumps all over the place - up to 1200, down to 500. When it drops into the 500 range it sounds like it wants to stall and the check engine light comes on. Give it gas and the light goes off. I looked and couldn't find a vacuum leak or loose vacuum hose. Does this sound like the IAC?

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Didn't have the rough idle problem till I recently replaced the injectors. Now, after driving for awhile when I get to stop lights or in heavy freeway traffic the idle sometimes jumps all over the place - up to 1200, down to 500. When it drops into the 500 range it sounds like it wants to stall and the check engine light comes on. Give it gas and the light goes off. I looked and couldn't find a vacuum leak or loose vacuum hose. Does this sound like the IAC?

Swapped out the IAC and it now holds the idle, but the CEL comes on sometimes, then goes off. Any ideas?

I tapped the IAC body with a hammer and it started working. This week-end I'll pull it off and clean it. Does anyone recommend a lubricant spray for the valve body?

Ok where is the IAC on a 1996 ford explorer and how do you replace it?

The engine stalls out, but no "moose" calls like some people are having. My brother, who thinks he is a mechanic, has taken the part off to clean it and ever since my truck will not run in any type of idle position. I honestly couldn't even do an oil change if my life depended on it!!

If you can post a photo of the top of your engine, it would help. Is it fuel injected?

LOL I don't even know what fuel injected is, but im assuming so. How do you find out?

It should say on top of the engine. EFI or something like that.

I can tell you for sure. Mine is located under a shroud that covers the top of the EFI system, about center.

OK So far I replaced a broken thermostat, oil change, cleaned IAC and placed back on, new oil filter, air filter, fuel filter and a pcv valve. Plugs are next but it is still stalling. It stopped ideling rough but looses the charge. Could the plugs be the issue?

Im too much of a princess to get all dirty, but I love playing with trucks!!!

OK So far I replaced a broken thermostat, oil change, cleaned IAC and placed back on, new oil filter, air filter, fuel filter and a pcv valve. Plugs are next but it is still stalling. It stopped ideling rough but looses the charge. Could the plugs be the issue?

Im too much of a princess to get all dirty, but I love playing with trucks!!!

Intake gasket can make it stall too. These trucks are known for needing them replaced from time to time.

This should be a sticky.

Worked like a charm on my 2003 Explorer 4.0


heres the problem...fuel pump went out couple months ago. replaced it through the rear floor pan using the threads on the site (had almost 18 gallons in the tank when it went out). Replaced fuel filter at the same time. Soon after, the X started to idle rough and sometimes almost stall out before catching itself. Went through everything I have found on this site to check...cleaned IAC valve, replaced intake manifold gasket, cleaned throttle body and manifold, replaced PCV valve, cleaned and inspected all hoses, performed vacuum check- all good, replaced plugs, used injector cleaner all the stuff they want you to buy at autozone...nothing is working. Also no CEL or warning lights. Could it be EGR valve? Also I can unplug the IAC when it is running and nothing changes. Does this matter? Any help would be much appreciated I am running out of patience.

Haha! I just found this and cleaned the IAC plastic cap and filter and that horrible noise is gone :)

I'll probably clean the whole valve later after i get some parts cleaner like the OP said, and maybe my idle will smooth out a little.

heres the problem...fuel pump went out couple months ago. replaced it through the rear floor pan using the threads on the site (had almost 18 gallons in the tank when it went out). Replaced fuel filter at the same time. Soon after, the X started to idle rough and sometimes almost stall out before catching itself. Went through everything I have found on this site to check...cleaned IAC valve, replaced intake manifold gasket, cleaned throttle body and manifold, replaced PCV valve, cleaned and inspected all hoses, performed vacuum check- all good, replaced plugs, used injector cleaner all the stuff they want you to buy at autozone...nothing is working. Also no CEL or warning lights. Could it be EGR valve? Also I can unplug the IAC when it is running and nothing changes. Does this matter? Any help would be much appreciated I am running out of patience.

What floor pan are you referring to? Is there an access panel from inside the truck? Similar the one to the top of the transmission that's under the carpet?

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