Improving performance and gas mileage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Improving performance and gas mileage

February 24, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Fayetteville North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
I'm going to be doing some mods to improve the performance and gas mileage on my 2001 4.0 4WD ST. What are some cheap mods that can be done? Planning to spend around 1000 dollars total.


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I'm going to be doing some mods to improve the performance and gas mileage on my 2001 4.0 4WD ST. What are some cheap mods that can be done? Planning to spend around 1000 dollars total.


I supply custom tuning,underdrive pullies,CAI,exhaust,Headers,etc... I will work with explorerforum members on shipping.-James

1st item w/be 50 Series HD - Three Chamber Mufflers
2nd item w/be all new O2 sensors (3 total)
3rd item w/be K&N Fuel Injection Performance Kits (FIPK)
4th item replace the front timing chain (raddles)
5th item replace the Therostat housing and temperature sensor (temp not stable)
6th item replace the spark plugs
Anything else I should do right now to improve the proformance and mileage?

What do you mean have the computer tuned?
