in dash DVD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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in dash DVD


Active Member
March 25, 2001
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City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
does anyone have an indash dvd unit, i thinking of instaling one in my car and would like some input, thanks.

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What type of input do you want?.....I dont have one YET....but a friend of mine has a Pioneer indash monitor/dvd in his PT Cruiser....let me know what info you need.

are you wanting just the dvd player or the combo dvd/monitor. both wont fit in a 93' slot. i have the alpine cva-1003 in my 94'. this is just the monitor with every possible hook you need to hook up dvd/cd changer/vcr/more monitors. only thing that can be a hassle when installing this is. your shifter if you have a automatic will sometimes make you hit screen and if you close screen when shifter is in park it sometimes hits monitor on way down and wont let it close. i figured out a solution though i didnt keep the montior flush with dash. i set it out a bit and so far i havent had much trouble as before. i will post a pic when i get this roll of film developed.

You can go with an indash screen with DVD player built in like a Kenwood 910, Pioneer, or Panasonic. Those will fit in your factory location. Or on the other hand you can go with an Alpine indash monitor with a separate DVD player. There are tons of options to go with. It all depends on what you are looking to spend.

I just installed an Alpine 1006 monitor. I'm planning on getting an indash DVD player. As for where I'm going to put it, I have some ideas in my head.


I know the pictures in this link aren't from an Explorer, it's from an Acura MDX. Check this out...

Dead Link Removed

And this is from the Acura website of what the dash board supposed to be.


That dude moved his trip computer down to the front of the shifter. He's a genius!!!
