Infernal AWD.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Infernal AWD....


New Member
March 3, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 XLT V8
I have an '01 V8 AWD Explorer that's helpless in the snow. When I drive in a straight line, it moves fairly well in moderate (3-4 inch) snow, but if I turn the wheel, it becomes a 2WD PIG!! I understand there's a switch in the pressure line for the power steering that unlocks the power to the front axle. If I disconnect this, will the truck function as a 4WD that's locked in 4 high? It would be no great trick to install a bypass switch for this circuit, allowing me to override the traction control, but would this work? I started fishtailing in 6 inch snow yesterday (it shouldn't do THAT at all), and I found myself "sawing" the wheel back and forth trying to regain control. Since I was turning the wheel, yup, no power to the front wheels. This induced even more fishtailing. We also slide around snowy corners, until I get the wheels straight, then it'll take off like a rocket. But only in a straight line. I want my Bronco back!
