Swerving on icy highway. I have no control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Swerving on icy highway. I have no control


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April 10, 2019
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2016, Explorer XLT
I bought a 2016 Ford Explorer Intelligent AWD XLT. It has winter tires on (no censors) I was heading to a meeting this morning on our highway and there was black ice. I was going slow and holding the steering wheel straight but the explorer started swaying a little and then the momentum nearly fishtail out of control. I backed off and once again it would start. I changed the terrain to Snow symbol and I could free like there was still something taking control of the vehicle. Please help.

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I bought a 2016 Ford Explorer Intelligent AWD XLT. It has winter tires on (no censors) I was heading to a meeting this morning on our highway and there was black ice. I was going slow and holding the steering wheel straight but the explorer started swaying a little and then the momentum nearly fishtail out of control. I backed off and once again it would start. I changed the terrain to Snow symbol and I could free like there was still something taking control of the vehicle. Please help.
I’m not sure what you need help with?

Ice is slippery. Unless you have ice studs in your tires, you will not have traction on ice. Period.

Do the 16s have the same rear brake dragging issues the earlier models have?

I bought a 2016 Ford Explorer Intelligent AWD XLT. It has winter tires on (no censors) I was heading to a meeting this morning on our highway and there was black ice. I was going slow and holding the steering wheel straight but the explorer started swaying a little and then the momentum nearly fishtail out of control. I backed off and once again it would start. I changed the terrain to Snow symbol and I could free like there was still something taking control of the vehicle. Please help.
Welcome to the Forum Alex.:wave:
A few members have reported a similar issue but I believe they had just the OEM tires. There isn't much you can do on glare ice if all wheels are on it. Fortunately, I've never found myself in that exact situation. I've come across icy patches but not so that all four wheels are on them. As mentioned some members have experienced rear brake dragging. Have a look at them and see if there are any signs that might indicate that they are dragging. Ford Explorer: Are Your Rear Brakes Dragging... Most Likely Yes!


There’s probably an issue with something. If you are going straight and hit ice, your vehicle will tend to stay straight. You typically only lose your course due to steering or braking.

It may have been the traction control or advancetrac kicking in. Just turn those off. I have them on an F350 and always shut them off in the winter. It may be different with the Explorer though (just bought one, no winter use yet)

^^ Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Traction Control can be turned OFF but not the Stability Control (AdvanceTrac)


There are other members reporting similar issues at the 20-30mph zone in snow. I forget which thread but your not alone.

Thank you guys for all the feedback. Like Mbrooks420 said. I was going straight as an arrow and it slowly would start swaying until it was too much and I had to pull over and try again. I have it scheduled with my dealership next Wednesday and will share ANYTHING they come up with if anything. Our police here use Ford Explorers for their interceptors. So I can't see it being "nature of the beast" LOL.

I do love my Explorer though, just not on ice at the moment

I bought a 2016 Ford Explorer Intelligent AWD XLT. It has winter tires on (no censors) I was heading to a meeting this morning on our highway and there was black ice. I was going slow and holding the steering wheel straight but the explorer started swaying a little and then the momentum nearly fishtail out of control. I backed off and once again it would start. I changed the terrain to Snow symbol and I could free like there was still something taking control of the vehicle. Please help.

Sand mode will automatically disable TC. That's only necessary if you are stuck. Add some weight to the rear cargo area. The police units are heavier for good reason.
