installing warrior 153 shackles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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installing warrior 153 shackles


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December 15, 2010
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93 xlt
im in the middle of installing some warrior 153 shackles and i cant seam to get the pressure off the bolts to take the stock shackles off. i have one floor jack and 4 axel stands to use so where should i be putting them?

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lift the truck, put it on the jack stands. once that is done, put the floor jack ujnder the diff and lift. then get the stock bottle jack that comes with your truck and place it inbetween the leaf spring and the frame of the truck. then start turning. you will see the bolt on the stock shackle ticghten and loosen based on how high or low you turn that bottle jack. for a visual, search for my thread called TT/shackle lift with trimming, of something close to that. good luck!

right on bud that helped alot and worked out perfectly for me. im gunna get some pics up in a bit right after i go for a ride then tighten the nuts down again.

I never needed the bottle jack. A sledge works wonders hammering the bolts out. Jacking up the diff always allowed me to line them up too. I had 3 sets of these.

This is probably out of place, but, anyone got a pair of these? Preferably in northeast Florida :) (Also, this isn't the first place I posted this, I know, but I'm not sure if the others will be seen, so yeah.)

you can probably get a pair new from for not much more than someone will charge you for a used set. ive seen them on amazon for as cheap as 70 bucks shipped.
