Instrument cluster lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Instrument cluster lights


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October 24, 2017
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1995 Explorer Limited
Hello I have a 1995 ford explorer limited and I just changed all the bulbs in my instrument cluster and checked all my fuses but a couple of my bulbs still don't seem to be working. Anybody have this issue before or know what is could be? It doesn't light up laat half the speedometer or the last half of the tach. Any input would be awesome and appreciated.

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Are you using stock type incandescent bulbs?

Assuming yes, first make sure the bulbs work in the sockets using any 12 volt power source to test. Then, check the contacts between the sockets and the cluster....make sure the socket metal connections are positioned nicely to maintain contact with the copper strip From the cluster. The metal contacts seem to get pushed in sometimes.

Good luck.

I actually replaced the bulbs because the same thing was happening so I just thought the bulbs were burnt out but the same thing is happening when I replaced them. But I actually replaced them with LED bulbs but I will try that out! Thank you for the advice!

If you used LED bulbs, the answer is that the six bulbs are in three sets of two bulb series. The left set, the middle set, and the right set. Each two bulb series consists of a top bulb and a bottom bulb.

KEY: Polarity matters with LED bulbs.

You should use a 12 volt source to find the positive and negative for each bulb/socket. Maybe you can use the test battery that sometimes comes with the lights. Note that if the positive and negative leads for the test 12 volt source are in the wrong position, (the wrong polarity), the bulb will not work. Since each two set series of bulbs are together, if the one closest to the power source is not in correct polarity, the second light will not work either.

Mark positive and negative sides for each of your sockets. Make sure that they are installed consistently on the cluster. If a series does not work, switch both bulbs in the series around.

This should work. Hope this makes sense. Good luck.

Yeah I understand what you are saying but then why wouldn't the same sections light up when the regular incandescent bulbs were in? I will still look and try both of your suggestions since they both give me something to look for. I appreciate all the help.

Mags..... Right to check both issues.... contact from the sockets and LED polarity. When I did this, it gave me the sense something complicated was wrong or not working. But in the end, it is pretty straight forward

Good luck, and let me know if this solves the problem.

I definetly will let you know what I find out as I will be digging into it tomorrow after work.

I must have had the polarity switched around. Thank you Mr Alligator for your help I appreciate it!

The LED Leads sometimes don't make great contact with those sockets, even if you get the polarity right. Had to take the cluster out a few times to seat them right.
