Interior lights problem (help!!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Interior lights problem (help!!)


New Member
July 11, 2007
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City, State
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
In my 96 XLT, the interior lights keeps on all the time so I had to disconect the relay. The "door ajar" light goes off when doors are closed, so I don't think the problem it's in those sensors. Any sugestion where colud be the problem?

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Thanks Tbars4, I am going to try the WD40 tomorrow, but my "door ajar" light indicator goes off when doors are closed so this looks diferent than the case you had. I'll let you know tomorrow how it worked anyway.

...after you try the wd40, be sure to read the bold print in that first post...;)...good luck...:D

If the door ajar light goes out, it's not a door ajar switch on the rear window or any of the doors.

First, are you sure you didn't roll the dimmer knob all the way up until it clicks?? Roll the knob back down... If you turn it all the way down and the lights still don't go out, we've got some more digging to do...

The courtesy lamps are fed from two independent sources. One is the interior lamp relay in Auxiliary Relay Box #4 which is located in the left rear of the vehicle, above the wheel well (*might* be accessible from the jack compartment). The other is fed from the dome lamp switch as a part of the dimmer module. In the interior fuse panel, pull fuse #27 (10A). If the lights go out, then we know the power is being fed to the lights through the dimmer switch. If they don't go out, we know it's coming from the relay which is controlled by the GEM.

Start with that and let us know what you find. :)


...gijoecam, would you mind including that to the link in post #2...:D

...gijoecam, would you mind including that to the link in post #2...:D

Actually, I would... Not all Explorers are wired the exact same way, so I hate making generalizations based on one particular case. It only confuses people on down the road needing help.

-Joe i'm confused...:confused:...but i thought i would ask...thanks...;)

Thanks guys for your time and help. Joe, I pulled the fuse #27 and the lights went off, so as you said the problem should be on the dimmer switch. Now I wonder if would be wise to open it and check contacts? I mean, it's possible to open it?

Not really... Is the knob rolled all the way up into the 'on' position? What happens if you rotate that knob all the way down?

It's all the way down. I tried rolling up and down several times in case it were freezed, but didn't work.

Sounds like the contacts may have fused together somehow, or something came loose in it... Let me do some more digging in the AM...

Door switches can break. The spring loaded device of the switch when broken will cause the lights to stay on because the switch thinks the door is open.

Replace the switch
