Intermittent stalling during gear shift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intermittent stalling during gear shift


New Member
February 23, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Brunswick, ME
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Eddie Bauer
Hey if anyone has any useful knowledge on this subject, a response would be greatly appreciated.

I have an 03 explorer with about 21,000 miles on it. Randomly, while transitioning from Park to Reverse the tach will decrease and almost stall and jerk the vehicle. At times, this decrease in tach will stall the vehicle. Anyone have any ideas as to the culprit? Some other useful information is that I live in a cold environment and the car has been garaged for its life before I purchased it. Also, I installed a remote start and had to tap into the tach wire. Thanks!

sometimes this happens in mine. i usually just give it a few more seconds between shifts to prevent it. occasionlly it will die when it does this. but mine does it from reverse to drive shift.
