ipod in x - neat custom install | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ipod in x - neat custom install

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That's really cool, a nice custom job.

That is pretty cool. Wish I could fiberglass that well...


Very nice. I'd love to have something like that for my 20GB iPod. To bad I suck at glassing :(

Truth is he did no glassing at all...He used a molding process and liquid plastic. It can be easier to use than glass for big pieces like that but unless youve done it a few times it tends to be messy and easy to screw up.

That's awesome. He even cut an apple logo in the console. Sweet!

Ive seen this b4, but i cant remember where. Maybe on mp3car.com . Oh well i still think its awesome.


yeah its pretty awesome, i definitly wish i could do that. However, the ipod looks like its resting in there a bit delicately. I'd be worried that it would fly out when i turn, or hit a bump. All the same its awesome

is this guy not on this forum?
the console looks sweet.
seems to me that he has a nice mold to make some more of these...?

just thinkin out loud. i would need some other stuff incorporated into it, to go through that much trouble. i need places to put miscellaneous crap.

Wow! And I thought my little Griffin iSqueeze I put in the cup holder was cool. very nice install.

Anyone know more about this plastic stuff he used? That console is wicked awesome!!!

However, props to Ford for making the silly rectangular slot in the console fit an iPod in it's standard case perfectly!

He used a liquid plastic after making a mold. I don't know that much about the process but i feel like experamenting a bit so im gonna give it a try making replacement for the two pockets up front. I'll let you know what I find out.

someone needs to make a head unit that has a dock connector built in. That way you can plug your ipod right into the face of the radio and be done with it. Something with a slot for the ipod so it does not stick out real far.

Id like a head unit that could control my ipod and display the info from the ipod on the radios display.

Dreaming? I hope not!

that is NOT easier or more practical for this application than fiberglass. He already has the mold and i'll race him to do the same install for someone else...

awesome use of the tools that he had available and experience with though!

its not just alpine.

check out clarion too

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