Is DPFE and EGR Valve Position sensors the same? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is DPFE and EGR Valve Position sensors the same?


Well-Known Member
June 30, 2001
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sandy hook, CT
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96 Explorer
I was wondering if the DPFE sensor and the EGR Valve Position Sensor are the same sensor with different names. I did a search and I saw that it was inferred, but I could not find anything conclusive. I need to replace the DPFE sensor on my truck, but no place I have gone has DPFE listed, they have EGR Valve position sensor though.

David Larson

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They are the same thing...

If you go to a Ford dealer the base number on the DPFE is 9J460.

They are not the same thing. DPFE is a pressure sensor. Autozone did not stock the correct DPFE for my truck, I asked them to see a position sensor and it was totally different.

Great, now I am in the same place as before. To make it clear, Does anyone know the part number for the DPFE sensor and the EGR Valve Position sensor on a 1996 Explorer 4.0?

David Larson

Write down the number on your DPFE, should start with a F. Take that number to Autozone and they will be able to crossreference it and order the right part. sells a EGR Valve Position Sensor (OE Number F37Z-9J460-A ) for $50.

AAP# Niehoff Ignition FE5007

It IS your DPFE


  • dpfe.jpg
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Awsome. Thankyou, now I can go buy it and replace it.

David Larson

Weird, that is a DPFE. Autozone must be on crack, their position sensor they showed me looked more like an IAC.

GP Sorensen 77911007 : DPFE ( EGR Valve PRESSURE Sensor ) - My 99' XLS was running a bit lean... Eatting gas and I kept getting the engine light error code : System running lean on port 1 ??? WTF.... I kept thinking.... Guess I should change the spark plugs. I was getting 50% of my normal gas mil.... Well today I opened the hood again to show the guy who was to change my plugs something and I noticed that the DPFE thinggy was MELTED ... Why would it melt??? So... I naturally goto AutoZone and ask the million dollar question... can you come look at this and tell me what the hell it is so i can get another one??? So the guy comes out and looks at it..much to my suprise I get the mysterious Dumb look.. and " I'm not sure " .. We go in the store and scour thru a CHILTON picture book to figure it out. He looks on the computer and on the shelf at every EGR part they have... Finnally after looking at every EGR part we conclude that that store does nt carry it BUT the store on the other side of town has it... I drive out there with my 1/4" socket driver, Buy the part and slap it on there... YAY 2 screws and a pair of sissors later... I get the part in and reset the OBD II computer and head home... No more Exaust leak noise and no more fluttering noise and some of my power came back... I still would like to know WHY DID IT MELT? Has anyone else had one melt???

the poor DPFE has to endure heat of the exhaust gas on one side to measure differential pressure. That poor sucker takes a beating.... which is why they are the main failure point in the EGR system. That and the hose. When yours failed it probably allowed exhaust gas to flow thru it... resulting in it melting. My thoughts anyway.

I've experienced one melting due to a clogged catalytic converter. I'd check to see if any are clogged, or you may be buying a new sensor...again.

When I replaced my DPFE sensor it was completely corroded inside. Only replaced it after verifying EGR would hold a vacuum and operated as it should. DPFE from Autozone was around $30.00

DPFE Sensor location

OK, I think I need to do mine also, where is the thing located on the 4.0 V6. I printed out the above picture, but never hurts having an ides where to look.
I am OK now, found a piture of where to look, just took a litlle bit of searching and reading. This sounds like a really common problem. A couple of the posts indicated Ford quoted them $30 & 33 for the unit. That is sure cheap for a dealer price, but I will not complain. :D
I checked with the local Ford dealer this AM and was quoted $100.75, sems to be high.

and then there is the EGR valve itself :) For a 96 5.0L be prepared to pay for this sucker, $119 dealer item only.

Most older EGR valves and some early 5.0 Explorers used the potentiometer type EGR position sensors, where newer vehicles use DPFE sensors to measure flow... but they have the same purpose.
