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is it safe?


March 1, 2010
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93 Sport
As some know I'm trying to pull my tranny out but having issues...

Is it safe to unbolt the radius arm crossmemeber while the truck is on jacks under the beams?

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No, if the weight is on those arms (any of the front suspension) you don't want to drop the RA corss member.

Put jack stands farther back on the frame, just not in the way of the trans cross member.


Well I'm outta jackstands lol this damn transmission swap will be the death of me. Exhaust bolts are very happy where they are at, and are resisting every effort to be removed.

jack stands are cheap compared to physical injury. either grab another set, or move the ones you have back one at a time using your jack to hold the beam up

Well the bolts that I'm talking about are the 4 center bolts, not removing the entire thing... just enough to let it sag down far enough to gain the clearance I need

dont do it.

You probably won't gain a whole lot of room. I think the ends are riveted to the frame anyway. When I took my tranny out I had to sawzall 3 of the 4 exhaust flange bolts to get the pipe off. I then cut them flush to the manifold and drilled new holes for a nut and bolt. It sucked, but aint to bad once the trans is out of the vehicle.

A good 1/2" impact air gun and about 120 psi of air, works the best on those rusted exhaust bolts. the shock of the impact will turn those bolts even when you cant budge them by hand and there is even less danger of snapping them off, a good penatrating oil on the theads also helps.
Do you have the transfercase off of the trans ? the torqeconverter un bolted from the flex plate? It will do no good to remove the bolts you are refering to in the cross member. once the trans is on the jack the trans can be manuvered out. Elbow

I have air impact and have used about half a can of PB but still no movement...

its a 2wd, and a manual

the trans is already completely disconnected

2WD Manual will come out without touching the exhaust AND RA X-member. I've done it MANY times...

Did you pull the starter?


yes, starter is pulled, transmission is completely disconnected from the body and as of this second is only being held up by at tranny jack.

Ive tried god knows how many ways and this damn thing isnt cooperating.

how did you get it out w/o pulling the exhaust?

PM's replied to...


got the trans out...

What did you have to do to get it out? or did you just have to get the angle of the dangle right?


well basically i used my socket and a 3 ft breaker bar, finally got the upper y-pipe bolts out. but was unable to get all the lower y-pipe bolts. So i pulled the entire exhaust system to fix a small leak i had.

Quick question for ya'll.... is the M5od from a 3.0 the same internally as the 4.0?

Nope. The 4.0L is as Heavy Duty as they made them....all others are not up to torque output of the 4.0L


All M-50 trans are created equally, If the bellhousing is the same it will work. Elbow

Not True. I have disassembled both. While they may actually bolt up, the 4.0L got the updated parts inside after 1993, specifically the 5-R synchros and mesh gears. Less number of teeth, but they were bigger is size. And then they got a little better in 1999, with the M5OD-HD

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I would listen to spdrcer, it sounds like he knows what he is talking about.

I knew there are differences from enigne to engine, but not within the same version.

Will a 4.0 M5OD-HD go into a first gen easily? Different wiring harness? driveshaft yoke/output etc?? I think there are different reverse switches from certain years to others, but thats all i know.

What else do you know about these trannys, i never have had one apart but I would like to rebuild one eventually. Special tools I should get? Rebuild kit type/brands?
