Is my 05 really an 06? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is my 05 really an 06?


November 30, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Edmond, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ford Explorer
I'm very confused or maybe I'm just a dumbass. I've been doing my reading around here and decided that I wanted to do a torsion twist to level out the explorer. So I put it on my lift and.... aaa.. yeah where is the torsion bars? Could someone slap some schooling on me please. I looked this thing over and over and couldn't figure out where they are.




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Also sorry if this is in the wrong spot... Still learning here.

Ok so I am a dumbass... great! Why did I think I read that this something I could do on my year?

So now it's body lift or coil spacers I guess.

Ok so I am a dumbass... great! Why did I think I read that this something I could do on my year?

So now it's body lift or coil spacers I guess.

If you go coil spacers make sure to get BTF upper control arms or the ball joints will fail

Ok so I am a dumbass... great! Why did I think I read that this something I could do on my year?

So now it's body lift or coil spacers I guess.

probably because you can do it on a 2005 Explorer Sport Trac. just not on the SUV, which is what you have.
