is this a R-12, or 134-a fitting????? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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is this a R-12, or 134-a fitting?????


Cat 3 Hurricane Rated
July 2, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Venice florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Eddie Bauer
is this a R-12, or 134-a fitting?

Well i will try to add a pic to help,
i have searched here, and my haynes man. but no luck.
in haynes it says that some 93's may 134-a, but my sticker say R-12, but then again a guy(kid) at autozone says it looks like a 134-a fitting.

1)if i have 134-a fitting then i can just add stop leak, and refill? right
2)if it is R-12 then what??

the fitting on the low side has 2 ribs on the outside,(just like a quick dissconect for an air hose) and the inside in treaded.
3)which is it?

ps the a/c works a little.

help its hot in Florida :mad:

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i think if it is like a quik disconnect for an air hose then its r134a

That sounds like a 134a fitting to me

an easier way to find out is to look under the hood of a newer car and compare it to yours

EMG7895 said:
an easier way to find out is to look under the hood of a newer car and compare it to yours

i thought about at work, but then forgot :banghead:

great minds think alike i guess

on a newer car a good way to find it is the blue plastic cap that screws on to it
good luck

You have described a 134 fitting. An R-12 fitting is cone shaped on the end and threaded on the outside. (and smaller).

look here--------->


  • ac.jpg
    33.8 KB · Views: 208

Blurry, but that sure looks like a 134a fitting.

nweibley said:
Blurry, but that sure looks like a 134a fitting.

i know, sorry :rolleyes:

i had to keep resizing it, and resizing it, finaily after a week got it to fit.

i did try looking at my grandpa's 04 Buick, both of his high and low look like mine only smalier :confused:

here is the problem,
a/c no worky :nono:, every one says it looks like a r134a fitting. but the sticker say its r12 :confused:

in the paper this Sunday,i found a "free" a/c inspectinon, up till now they haveall been $20, or $30, so i will go there and keep everyone posted.

I'll say it one last time. That is a 134a fitting. You can doubt it, you can keep asking, but trust me, I know a little about Auto AC. DId you even read my last post in reply?

Glacier991 said:
I'll say it one last time. That is a 134a fitting. You can doubt it, you can keep asking, but trust me, I know a little about Auto AC. DId you even read my last post in reply?

yes, i did read it

i did not mean you questen your know how,
but i found it weird that someone converted it and did not mark it in any way

thank you very much for your help :thumbsup:


"By law" a converted system is required to have a sticker(label, actualy) Most "kits" include one, but even absent the kit, the fitings are enough different (day and night) to make it pretty certain which is which.... now if someone puts 134a into a system and does NOT change the fittings from R-12, now THAT is asking for trouble. It is a safe bet that 134 fittings = 134 refrigerant.

and on the ford s the high side fiting is totaly dif then the low side becse automaotive ac runs at a very psi

Charlie, if you want to see an R-12 fitting go the "Under the Hood" forum and read the thread and associated links to other threads on the "Converting your AC to R-134 thread". On page three there is a link to recharging your AC, and it shows R-12 fittings clearly for you.

Glacier991 said:
Charlie, if you want to see an R-12 fitting go the "Under the Hood" forum and read the thread and associated links to other threads on the "Converting your AC to R-134 thread". On page three there is a link to recharging your AC, and it shows R-12 fittings clearly for you.

thank you, although i have a new project for right now.

some areshole, me broke my sun foof :fire: :fire: , and for the frist time in a month and a half in rained 4 hours later :fire: :fire: rained like a *itch.

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