Issue with keyless entry pad on a '99 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Issue with keyless entry pad on a '99


November 12, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer
Recently got a 99 Explorer and tried the keyless entry code. It worked the first couple of times but now the mechanism is firing but the doors aren't unlocking. Wondering if there's any reason besides a malfunction that could be keeping it from opening - some security feature I'm not aware of? Or if it's just not working right.

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Recently got a 99 Explorer and tried the keyless entry code. It worked the first couple of times but now the mechanism is firing but the doors aren't unlocking. Wondering if there's any reason besides a malfunction that could be keeping it from opening - some security feature I'm not aware of? Or if it's just not working right.

Do you have a remote that can unlock the doors ? Does it work ? Or behave the same ?

I assume the key can still unlock the doors ?

If the keypad and the remote both fail to unlock the door (but the key can still unlock), but you hear a click/clunk within the door, then I suspect your unlock actuator rivots have failed/broken, and the actuator cant unlock the door.

I've had to repair to actuator rivots twice in my 2001 Explorer.

Do you have a remote that can unlock the doors ? Does it work ? Or behave the same ?

I assume the key can still unlock the doors ?

If the keypad and the remote both fail to unlock the door (but the key can still unlock), but you hear a click/clunk within the door, then I suspect your unlock actuator rivots have failed/broken, and the actuator cant unlock the door.

I've had to repair to actuator rivots twice in my 2001 Explorer.
If there was ever a remote for it I don't have it. Some kind of mechanism failure sounds like a likely culprit.

It sounds like you need the spring add on. There are multiple pics around. Basically the door mechanism is worn out. The spring addition is very easy to add.


Adding a key fob is very easy.
