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Jack's SAS version 3.0

To have it balanced, the rear suspension needs to match the front. I like a firmer ride, so I used heavier coils, and more dampening in the shocks up front, and firmer leafs with double shocks per wheel rear. I have coil overs up front, FOA's and Bilsteins rear.

If you are having rebound issues (rear is "bouncing" up when the weight comes off the leafs) then a gas shock might not be best. Maybe get a adjustable shock like a ProComp or Rancho and dial it in.

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To have it balanced, the rear suspension needs to match the front. I like a firmer ride, so I used heavier coils, and more dampening in the shocks up front, and firmer leafs with double shocks per wheel rear. I have coil overs up front, FOA's and Bilsteins rear.

If you are having rebound issues (rear is "bouncing" up when the weight comes off the leafs) then a gas shock might not be best. Maybe get a adjustable shock like a ProComp or Rancho and dial it in.

Ideally coilovers would be the best way to improve the ride up front and move the axle forward but they just aren't in my budget right now. To keep coils and move the axle forward I would have to ditch the duff buckets and trac bar bracket and run a universal bucket instead, that would also allow me to move the bucket up a couple inches to lower the front of the vehicle. But I have $$ in the duff parts. Headaches.

Checkout Brian1 build in his 1st gen. He used tab eliminator blocks and was able to run some Bilstein 5100's.

Congrats on the duff arms. :thumbsup:

looking it up right now..

I have to check the site while im at work or on my phone, having issues using the site on my home laptop since upgrading to windows 10. bummer.

Ideally coilovers would be the best way to improve the ride up front and move the axle forward but they just aren't in my budget right now. To keep coils and move the axle forward I would have to ditch the duff buckets and trac bar bracket and run a universal bucket instead, that would also allow me to move the bucket up a couple inches to lower the front of the vehicle. But I have $$ in the duff parts. Headaches.

Coil over shocks don't necessarily improve the ride, but I think they cause less binding due to fewer binding / mounting points.
I called Duff when I was doing my SAS and I have their radius arms. Great stuff. I didn't go with their SAS track bar mount because I could not move it forward. It was impressed upon me by several SAS'd Explorer owners that I would want the axle forward at least two inches. That's what I did, and the tires still rub the firewall at full compression.

None of that is your issue. I would first try running firmer shocks or adjustable models in the rear to slow down the rebound.

It might also be a weight ratio issue. Do you have a heavy bumper up front and not on the rear? Its possible its nose heavy, and what you are feeling is the front springs compressing too quickly. If that's the case, then you need firmer front coil springs.

What coils are you running in the front? I may have missed it, but are you staying narrow width? For shocks... hell anything silver will be fine. :D I went with bilstein 9100's because i got a good deal on them at the time. I dont remember the valving, but i went a little bit harsh on it and it's worked awesome. It's just barely stiff/choppy on the street (not even noticable really) but perfect on the trail. Stiffer valving makes up for the floaty mushiness when aired down.

One of the single best things i did was outboarding the rear shocks, which you cant do unless you're fullwidth.

What coils are you running in the front? I may have missed it, but are you staying narrow width? For shocks... hell anything silver will be fine. :D I went with bilstein 9100's because i got a good deal on them at the time. I dont remember the valving, but i went a little bit harsh on it and it's worked awesome. It's just barely stiff/choppy on the street (not even noticable really) but perfect on the trail. Stiffer valving makes up for the floaty mushiness when aired down.

One of the single best things i did was outboarding the rear shocks, which you cant do unless you're fullwidth.

I'm still narrow.. have to keep it that way if I want to be street legal in WV.

I'm running 5.5 Wildhorses rock crawler front coils up front and a spa rear with an extra leaf.

Friend of mine has a 8 lug 44/60 combo that I could pick up. Only thing I'd gain up front is width but a ff60 rear sounds a little better than a c-clip 8.8 and it would give me an excuse to run a deeper gear.

I think some decent shocks would do you some good.

What was the reason you couldnt move the front axle more forward? Aftermarket coil buckets hit the steering box or something?

I think some decent shocks would do you some good.

What was the reason you couldnt move the front axle more forward? Aftermarket coil buckets hit the steering box or something?

He used the Duff panhard bracket. It mounts under the driver side coil bucket and uses the engine cross member bolt holes for support.

He used the Duff panhard bracket. It mounts under the driver side coil bucket and uses the engine cross member bolt holes for support.
Ahhh okay- makes sense. I was having trouble picturing it in my head.

truck is currently in the garage, out of the snow. I had planned on starting the front end refresh and arms but I'll be dropping the tank and looking for a fuel leak first. After 23 years I think the outlet on the sending unit has finally rusted through as I had gas rolling out from the tank skid sunday morning during an emergency 'hey I took a girl out in the woods and got stuck in a mudhole trying to impress her' recovery.

Been a month.. wow. Boxes of parts are just waiting on me to get started, but I can't seem to keep other peoples vehicles out of the garage.

I think I have hit a point with this build where I should stop throwing so much money at it and just wheel the setup that I have.

Wheeling it is only part of it. Planning, building, evolving, learning, and the comrades you make along the way make up the rest.

Although, taking a break helps the wallet! :D

couldn't be more true.. some of my best friends I have met because of this lifestyle

A few friends are coming over tonight to help me get my butt in gear and get some work done. I promised myself the next few weeks would be spent working on my own vehicle instead of loaning out the garage to friends.

Dad and I removed the oe bushings from my donor leaf packs last weekend and installed the poly bushings I've had in a box for two years. Hoping to have the frame shackle bushings replaced tonight along with new BF shackles and jy leaf packs.

Then its on to the front.. Duff arms, 3.5" coils, more trimming on the engine crossmember, freshen up the front 44, replace the steering gear box and shaft and measure for shocks, good shocks, no more white label garbage.

Ran into a bit of a problem while changing out the rear frame shackle bushings.. found a bit of rust. Bummed me out big time. It only took a small pry bar and a couple wacks with a hammer and the bracket was off of the frame. A friend and I managed to cobble up a new mount with some tubing and a piece of c channel fabricated out of 1/8" angle and plate. I think it turned out ok for using random pieces of scrap I had around the garage on a Friday night.


When I had the leaf springs out from under the truck I kept eyeballing the perches thinking something didn't look right. I walked outside and looked at the back of the axle and immediately had one of those 'ahhh (bad word)' moments.


Driver side tube has spun somewhere along its journey with me. Any advice on the best way to remedy this? The more I think about it this has been like this for quite some time. And yes, I know, I should have welded the tubes to the housing. Shame me later.

Rust fix looks damn good.

Spun tube... man as cheap as EX 8.8's are in the junkyard, i would be tempted to go buy a "new" one, swap all my stuff into it, weld the tubes (WELD THE DAMN TUBES!!!) then use the old one as a paper weight.

With that said, this is how i fixed a buddys heep AMC 20 way back in the day-

Get the rear up on jack stands, weld the "not spun yet" tube to the jackstand. Get a big ass pipe wrench with a cheater bar and paint some alignment stripes on the tube and center chunk. You lean on the wrench while a buddy watches the marks. When it's back right... tack it. Then weld both sides.

It worked once- it may or may not ever work again. :D

I have another 8.8 and thats prbly what will happen. I still have dreams of 8 lug wonderment and if I pull the 8.8 out from under this pile I really want to put something else in it. But for right now it works. Going camping/wheeling this weekend so we'll see how my shackle repair does.

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Torched the LH perch off, welded on a new perch level with the RH side, welded the tubes to the center section. Its back on all fours with no leaf spring clap around turns or over bumps. She lives to wheel another day.. well hopefully more than a day, I'd at least like to get a few more years out of her.
