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Jack's SAS version 3.0

I am consolidating my build thread and the sas build into one thread so below is a link to my original build thread in case anyone has too much time on their hands and wants to see how this whole ordeal started.

notajeep_wv build thread

the next step.. SAS parts update 2/18

Its time for a SAS, time to take making Jeeps look bad to the next level lol
Lets keeps track of how much this is costing me so I can look back at it later and think of all the other things I could have done with the money.

what ended up on the truck..

74 EB D44 with track bar, steering, 2 sets of RAs - $200
F150 knuckles, spindles, hubs, rotors, calipers - $35
MileMarker premium hubs - $80
4.89 G2 gear set - $175
4.88 G2 gear set - $200
D44 install kit - $80
5.5 WH coils - $160
Duff SAS trac bar bracket - $150
Duff Coil seats - $75
D44 TruTrac - $425
7* bushing kit - $50
Moog HD ball joints - $120
axle joints - $40
Duff steering - $350
Cooper 35x12.50 STTs - $840
custom built trac bar - $80
F250 shock towers - $30

eh, its a start


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Keep the 4.0 swap in a c5/4 form the early ranger. Use any tcase or doubler setup that can be bolted to a c4 stock or aftermarket. Stock engine reliability with a better then stock auto and tcase setup. You loose OD but run a little less gear in the axles (4.56 vs a 5.13) and make up for it in the tcase. The one down side to the atlas is the single low range. A 4 or 5 to one is nice in the rocks but when blasting thru the snow the factory 2.48 is awesome.

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I rarely used single low in my tcase. I never switched between ranges when out on the trail because I had to stop completely. It was easier to go to double low all day long 5th gear between obstacles. Which was true in the snow too. If I was deep and thick and I wanted slow wheel speed I would do low range and use a higher gear if necessary. Faster stuff I could use high range. I never used 2 low because Duffy said it would break and if I used 2 low he wouldn't warranty it. After I waited so long for my parts from him I didn't want any warranty issues.

Like I said, I loved the doubler and it was a cool experience to build and use, but I won't do it again.

I had 0 issues with mine. The only issue I had was an oil leak between the cases after the first install. So I yanked it out and re glued it and let it sit for a few days and dry.

I don't mind a manual for wheeling. Of course an auto is conveinient, but I know how to change a clutch and it is easy. I can't rebuild an auto tranny. I am scared. I converted my Navajo after I smoked to a4lds.

Also, I did speak to Jaime (410fortune) recently and him and his dad are doing conversions for a fee for others. If I was going to put a v8 in, I would pay him to do it. He has some great experience and mad skills. I am lucky he is close.

Hell no. Those guys are bad news...try the threads on Pirate.

I'll take your word for it Dave. Thanks for the heads up..

I wasn't necessarily recommending Behemoth just an alternative to doing a double transfer case type set-up.

Okay so screw Behemoth.

Apparently this is the place to go. These guys call it the "Eco Box"


Didn't mean to be so blunt but they've screwed over quite a few people.

NWF seems to be reputable, but you won't be able to mount their box without an adapter to the 4.0. Luckily they just came out with such an adapter so you can bolt any 6 bolt t case to the 4.0...which is pretty much every case out there.

i actually spoke to behemoth in a few emails last fall about a doubler.. my only thing is do i buy a doubler for the 4.0/A4LD and then when i go to tons and eventually 40s be needing more motor and have wasted the doubler?
I would not recommend sending any money to Behemoth Drivetrain. Just don't do it lol!

Read this thread on North West Fab. They could possibly hopefully be producing a rbv doubler


A long time ago I almost purchased an adapter plate from Rulebreaker on therangerstation forum. It adapted the 4.0 to except a small block ford bellhousing. I almost bought it but found my m5od on craigslist so I told him I didn't want it. I wished I had bought it, If for anything just to have it!

My plan was to run that adapter plate and an m5od out of an f150 (which I already had one sitting there) and run a doubler with a dana 20. An np435 was in my mind too but I swapped on in my wood truck and holy f^^k they are heavy pigs.

I was trying to think outside the box of how to get a lower crawl ratio.

I would be like a lost puppy without my doubler and I hope that day never comes!

I don't have their adapter but I do run a black box with a 205 behind it and really like this combo
Only real down fall is how far down the 205 hangs, but it is no lower than my radius arm brackets.

selling the 60 and some other parts I had laying around paid for the arms just about. I can't complain about the 44 I built, its held up well and I haven't broken yet so I will continue to run the axles I have until i have issues. I'm still running stock 8.8 shafts so I can't be beating on the truck as hard as I think I am.

After spending the majority of my time at work today reading through BKennedy's sas thread a few things have become apparent.

1) This thread isn't long enough

b) There is soooo much good info in that thread

3) It gave me more reasons to improve on my setup instead of jumping to ton axles prematurely.

Can't say enough that this site has helped me more than any other source of info I've ever come across.

After spending the majority of my time at work today reading through BKennedy's sas thread a few things have become apparent.

1) This thread isn't long enough

b) There is soooo much good info in that thread

3) It gave me more reasons to improve on my setup instead of jumping to ton axles prematurely.

Can't say enough that this site has helped me more than any other source of info I've ever come across.

This thread has good info too. I always thought mine is a little too long and buries some real good info. Most people don't get to spend the workday reading through Explorerforum threads, so you are lucky. :D I had a lot of help from very knowledgeable people, and wasn't shy about asking them questions.

Congratulations, your life is about to change.

Congrats on the kid man. What brake lines are you running up front. Thank you.

stainless sold by pro comp, listed on duff's website

This thread has good info too. I always thought mine is a little too long and buries some real good info. Most people don't get to spend the workday reading through Explorerforum threads, so you are lucky. :D I had a lot of help from very knowledgeable people, and wasn't shy about asking them questions.

Congratulations, your life is about to change.

Thanks! Let's hope I can get some things done to the truck before all my spare money goes to diapers! lol

Getting one last big run in NY weekend, heading to Adventure Offroad Park in Tennessee for their NYD event.

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Made it through the weekend without any breaks or flops, always a plus. Got in some situations where the truck performed great and some situations where it needs some re-working. Mainly the rear suspension. It's bouncy, unloads whenever the front drops or I get a little quick on the brake pedal.

Read JamesT's re-sas thread again this morning and gave me some ideas. I need to invest in decent shocks, white tubed cheapies aren't cutting it. Suggestions?

Winter finally hit WV, temps are supposed to be unseasonably warm again this weekend which will give me time to hose off the undercarriage and get it in the garage. Duff arms arrived NYE and are sitting on the garage floor.
