I am consolidating my build thread and the sas build into one thread so below is a link to my original build thread in case anyone has too much time on their hands and wants to see how this whole ordeal started.
notajeep_wv build thread
the next step.. SAS parts update 2/18
Its time for a SAS, time to take making Jeeps look bad to the next level lol
Lets keeps track of how much this is costing me so I can look back at it later and think of all the other things I could have done with the money.
what ended up on the truck..
74 EB D44 with track bar, steering, 2 sets of RAs - $200
F150 knuckles, spindles, hubs, rotors, calipers - $35
MileMarker premium hubs - $80
4.89 G2 gear set - $175
4.88 G2 gear set - $200
D44 install kit - $80
5.5 WH coils - $160
Duff SAS trac bar bracket - $150
Duff Coil seats - $75
D44 TruTrac - $425
7* bushing kit - $50
Moog HD ball joints - $120
axle joints - $40
Duff steering - $350
Cooper 35x12.50 STTs - $840
custom built trac bar - $80
F250 shock towers - $30
eh, its a start
notajeep_wv build thread
the next step.. SAS parts update 2/18
Its time for a SAS, time to take making Jeeps look bad to the next level lol
Lets keeps track of how much this is costing me so I can look back at it later and think of all the other things I could have done with the money.
what ended up on the truck..
74 EB D44 with track bar, steering, 2 sets of RAs - $200
F150 knuckles, spindles, hubs, rotors, calipers - $35
MileMarker premium hubs - $80
4.89 G2 gear set - $175
4.88 G2 gear set - $200
D44 install kit - $80
5.5 WH coils - $160
Duff SAS trac bar bracket - $150
Duff Coil seats - $75
D44 TruTrac - $425
7* bushing kit - $50
Moog HD ball joints - $120
axle joints - $40
Duff steering - $350
Cooper 35x12.50 STTs - $840
custom built trac bar - $80
F250 shock towers - $30
eh, its a start