2005 sport trac Dana 30 sas (Version 2.0) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 sport trac Dana 30 sas (Version 2.0)

I would definitely be interested in a kit for my mountaineer, I like what I see so far!

Any updates ?

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I would really like to purchase a kit when you have them available an I was wondering if you have looked into using axles out of the newer 4 door jeep wranglers with the Rubicon package cause they have 4.10 or 4.56 gear ratios an E-lockers an electronic disconnect anti sway. I'm wanting to regear my 09 ranger an ive been told that the Explorer sport trac use the same axles an I can't seem to find a kit to regear to 4.10 but I would really like to gear to 4.56s an I already have a 4 inch lift but I'd like to get a couple more inches before I jump waist deep into a straight axle conversation an I was wondering what you would recommend to get a couple more inches of lift but not by cranking up the tortion bars cause I tried that an I didn't like how it made the truck ride an handle so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Can you go into detail about your modified factory steering shaft?

I don't think there will be options for steering, but I do have a couple ride height option ideas, and also a coilover version, and also plan to offer a dana 44 ford version. The Dana 44 jeep tj axle can use the current kit. I don't have anything to sell yet as I'm still working on cnc plasma patterns and frame jigs
Any progress on the kit?
